1) Cry
2) Tell my parents
3) Tell my friends
4) Post on CC
5) Order Barnard clothes
6) Do homework (lol...it has to get done sometime:p)</p>
1) Cry
2) Do homework (or at least try)
3) Freak out about RD apps</p>
<p>Accepted to Cornell ED:
Tell Parents
Run (emotional outlet imo)
Wear Cornell Shirt to school
tell friends
tell teachers
coast through midterms and classes</p>
Get annoyed
Tell Parents
Grudgingly tell friends</p>
<p>1) Cry, if I can
2)Tell grandparents, mom, dad, visit my parental grandparents whom I have been mad at for 2 months
3)Slack off for a few hours
4)Get back to studying. History final is cruel.</p>
Freeze for a few minutes.
Sit there and stare into the blank for 10-15 minutes
<p>me and my parents screamed, we were all huddled around the computer when i clicked the link to see if i was accepted or not… all of a sudden there was marching band music playing hahaha</p>