What is the first thing you'll do if you are accepted/rejected/deferred?

<p>Borrowed from the Columbia board...</p>

1) Cry
2) Tell my parents
3) Tell my friends
4) Post on CC
5) Order Barnard clothes
6) Do homework (lol...it has to get done sometime:p)</p>

1) Cry
2) Do homework (or at least try)
3) Freak out about RD apps</p>

<p>What about you guys?</p>


  1. Scream
  2. Tell my parents
  3. Shake my monitor in violent rage
  4. Change my status on FB
  5. Streak down my street with my acceptance letter on my chest
  6. Wear my Rice shirt :)</p>


  1. Cry
  2. Slam my desk really hard
  3. Don’t do HW for the rest of the year.</p>


  1. Jump up and down and yell
  2. change Facebook status
  3. Tell parents
  4. Keep a huge grin for the next week
  5. Buy and wear a Stanford shirt</p>


  1. Go run
  2. Change Facebook status
  3. Life goes on…</p>

<p>If accepted to Harvard:

  1. cry!!!
  2. call my mom and she will probably announce it to all my relatives
  3. book an air ticket to New York
  4. get whatever I want from my parents
  5. cry and cry and then scream!!!</p>


<p>1) suicide?</p>


  1. Scream
  2. Call up parents
  3. Go enjoy buffet celebration for my acceptance
  4. Relax and enjoy my prize</p>


  1. Cry
  2. Immediately start filling out regular apps</p>


  1. Scream (in pain)
  2. Wait until march</p>


  1. Stare in disbelief
  2. Prepare to not do any work</p>


  1. Stare in much belief
  2. Probably cry or something even though I only had a 10% chance of getting in anyway</p>


  1. Whatever</p>


  1. Cry
  2. Run around
  3. Change Facebook status
  4. Tell the family (and get whatever I want!)
  5. Prepare for MidTerms the next day :/</p>


  1. Cry
  2. Change Facebook status.
  3. Cry to my family (and get whatever I want for being disappointed?)
  4. Send in RD apps
  5. Prepare for MidTerms</p>


  1. Look at Rejected ^</p>

Fail midterms and get offer withdrawn.</p></li>
Fail midterms.
Cry more.</p></li>
Fail midterms

Scream and jump up and down
Change Facebook Status
Call my mom and a bunch of others
Buy some Rice things
Be relieved</p>

Turn off everything and cry some more
Call and ask why
Work on RD applications and study for midterms</p>

<p>rejected: shrug and say “ah well…”</p>

<p>deferred: same</p>

<p>accepted: raise my eyebrows, smile and say “oh wow…” Then I’ll go tell my parents.</p>

<p>Accepted to Cornell ED:
Tell Parents
Run (emotional outlet imo)
Wear Cornell Shirt to school
tell friends
tell teachers
coast through midterms and classes</p>

Get annoyed
Tell Parents
Grudgingly tell friends</p>

Run around, then eat a tub of ice cream because I deserved it.</p>

Eat a tub of ice cream, then eat another tub of ice cream because who cares.</p>

<p>Accepted: </p>

<p>1) Cry, if I can
2)Tell grandparents, mom, dad, visit my parental grandparents whom I have been mad at for 2 months :smiley:
3)Slack off for a few hours
4)Get back to studying. History final is cruel.</p>


  1. Freeze for a few minutes.
  2. Sit there and stare into the blank for 10-15 minutes
  3. Get back to studying.</p>

<p>I just got deferred. I just went to the computer to see if anyone received their letter. It was what I expected anyway.</p>


  1. Scream
  2. Tell my parents
  3. Savor the moment
  4. Keep screaming
  5. Not do anything else the rest of the night
  6. Thank my teachers/counselors
  7. Leak it to a friend with a big mouth</p>


  1. Say “I knew it.”
  2. Lose hope of acceptance in spring.
  3. Work on other apps in a dejected manner</p>


  1. Hate myself
  2. Cry</p>


  1. Re-read the entire acceptance line
  2. Tell and thank my parents for putting up with my neurotic behavior
  3. Scream
  4. Tell everyone that’s wondering
  5. Go out to dinner with a friend</p>


  1. Lose hope of admission
  2. Sigh and finish other apps
  3. try and enjoy Christmas?</p>


  1. Be pretty devastated
  2. Be shocked and go to sleep
  3. Say, “I hate being right.” alot.
  4. Go out to dinner with that friend another night.</p>

<p>Accepted: ROTFLOL</p>

<p>Deferred: LOL</p>

<p>Rejected: T_T</p>

<p>me and my parents screamed, we were all huddled around the computer when i clicked the link to see if i was accepted or not… all of a sudden there was marching band music playing hahaha</p>


  1. re-read the acceptance
  2. re-read
  3. re-read
  4. …</p>


<li>write my last will</li>


  2. Re-read the letter. Alot. (Consider framing the letter and then talk myself out of the potential nerdiness.)
  3. Hop around, scare my dog with my excitement, and coast until christmas.
  4. (But not fail the exams I have next week) :)</p>


<li>Just cry! a lot! and wallow in my misery </li>
<li>Kick myself for procrastinating on RD apps.</li>