What is the intro english class like in UMich

<p>What exactly is the class format like in the intro english course? I'm an international students who's taking Engineering major. I'm somewhat worried that the english class may drive my GPA down.</p>

<p>You don’t need to take English if you’re in engineering.</p>

<p>Bump! </p>

<p>Is it really true that engineers don’t have to take first year writing? I certainly hope not! I’ve got friends who are engineering profs and they say that the ability to write clearly and quickly is crucial.</p>

<p>Yep, I’m pretty sure its true. (I am in LSA, though.)</p>

<p>I believe first year writing is satisfied via engin 100. In any case, engineers do not have to take an english course.</p>

<p>regardless if engineers need to take it or not, whats the class like? and i went to orientation english is NOT required</p>

<p>I’m in Engineering also… English is not required. </p>

<p>Can you write clearly and quickly? I’m not an expert at writing but to write clearly and quickly doesn’t seem like a demanding task.</p>

<p>The class is like any high-school writing class–you read stuff, discuss stuff, and write papers. Therefore, how much you like it will depend almost entirely on who your gsi is. Mine was awesome, so I loved it.</p>