What is the likely hood that I can get into VT's Engineering Program?

<p>Applying Early Decision to General Engineering and the College of Science as my 2nd choice
From the Northern Virginia Area
Male – Senior in High School
GPA: 3.92 Weighted
SAT (1600): 1260 = 670 Math + 590 Reading
SAT (2400) = 1800 total
AP Classes: AP World 4, AP Environmental Science 4, AP US 3.
Taking this Year AP Gov, AP BC, AP Econ, AP Physics C
Played Football, Basketball in High School
I'm in multiple honor societies
Have lots of Leadership qualifications
HOBY Ambassador for my High School (link for information <a href="http://www.hoby.org/"&gt;http://www.hoby.org/&lt;/a&gt;)
(I’m applying Early Decision to VT)
• What are my chances to get into VT’s Engineering Program?
• Chances to get into the College of Science as backup if I don’t get into Engineering?
Any other advice?
Thanks :) </p>

<p>Check your local high school Naviance results to see how you stack up with others at your high school. Naviance won’t tell you about Engineering in particular but it will give you a good idea about getting admitted to the College of Science. Your scores could be good enough for Engineering but I don’t know about ED. They might ask you to wait until regular decision. Good luck. </p>

<p>I’ve looked at how I stack up with other at my High School and it looks like I have a great shot at getting in. As you said its not specific to engineering though. Could I get into the College of Science and be denied into Engineering? If so could I then apply during regular admission to get into Engineering and still have College of Science as my backup?</p>

<p>As far as I know engineering is a restricted major so you get to pick a second choice major that they will consider you for if they don’t want to admit you ED for engineering. However, I don’t think that they will bind you to your second choice major. I think that if you aren’t offered ED admission for engineering then they automatically defer you to regular decision in order to compare you to other engineering students, only then do they look at your second choice major if they still don’t want you for engineering. I could be completely wrong about this but I think that’s what the admissions rep said when she came to my school. If you think you have a good chance and you really want to go there there’s no reason not to apply ED. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience getting into VT’s Engineering or knowledge of it? Do you think I have a good chance to get in to Engineering ED? Thanks for any comments they are always helpful!</p>

<p>Work on improving your SAT scores as they are low for engineering. If that is your first choice major. As a 2nd choice major I would pick university studies with the idea of transferring to the engineering school. Consider applying RD to have time to retest in Nov and Dec. Read old admission result threads on CC for engineering acceptances.</p>

<p>If I put University studies as my second choice could I transfer into Engineering? It says Engineering is restrictive does that mean anything?</p>

<p>Please read through this forums topics of discussion as this has been brought up before. You will find info on last year’s acceptance stats by posters as well as transferring to engineering. Also read up on the engineering website because there is a wealth of information there. </p>

<p>Your GPA and math SAT should be okay for regular decision to enter VT in either the College of Science or University Studies. I’ve seen students enter Engineering with your Math SAT. But you’ve asked specifically about Early Decision. I know students with higher GPA and higher Math SAT that were accepted ED into Engineering. I don’t know the low range of acceptances for ED. There was one student on these boards who applied ED Engineering and was offered ED but in their second choice college OR deferral to Regular Decision. So who knows? Good luck</p>

<p>Wouldn’t ED be easier to get in to VT? College Board said 1042 out of 1092 that applied Early Decision got into VT.</p>

<p>Acceptance rate of ED is normally lower than RD. If not accepted, most are deferred automatically and looked at during RD. Maybe that stat is those that were eventually offered admission? I say this given I know quite a few that were deferred during ED then wait-listed during RD, then accepted off the wait-list. I know of 10 kids in my son’s school alone that were deferred during ED last year…</p>

<p>I am absolutely certain that 1042 of 1092 were not accepted early decision.</p>

<p><a href=“BigFuture College Search”>BigFuture College Search;

<p>You might be right bboop42 that they were later deferred but got in</p>

<p>Is it harder to get into Engineering ED or Regular and can you explain why</p>

<p>Got back new scores and did better
GPA: 3.92 Weighted
SAT (1600): 1350 = 730 Math + 620 Reading
SAT (2400) = 1870 total</p>

<p>Look at the first post I made with this in mind.
Tell me what you think. Do you think I will get in? (Yes/No)
You can explain your reasoning or just say yes or no.
Thanks for all your input! </p>

<p>Congrats! That is a much better Math score. ED is harder to get in because you need to be a standout applicant where they have no doubts about you and do not need to see how the other RD applicants stack up for comparison purposes. So, if you are in the mid-50% from an average stat standpoint, they may want to wait and see the total applicant pool before deciding. If you are in the upper 25%, they would be confident that you will be above the RD applicants and therefore may decide “yes” during ED. It is really hard to predict what admissions will do. I think you have a good chance in the end though. Fingers crossed for you.</p>

<p>Thanks bboop42, I also think that I have many extra curricular activities that really make me a good candidate. Would they hold off on Engineering and wait to see if I am good enough for Engineering and accept me into the College of Science. Then could I ever try to apply to Engineering without losing my commitment into the College of Science during the regular admission process?</p>

<p>What I can tell you is ED is binding. They will either accept you into Engr, your second choice COS or defer you to RD. I doubt you would be denied outright. I do not know if you “have” to accept an ED offer if it is your second choice. You will need to ask admissions. If you do accept your second choice (COS) during ED, they do not review your application again during RD. So, no, you could not apply Engr during RD if you have already accepted the ED offer. Many people transfer between majors, but it is a process and sometimes can extend your time at VT or require some classes at CC. I would recommend reviewing the Internal transfer process if that becomes an option. Here is a link to how / what you would need to do for a transfer into VT Engr from another VT major.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies_Fall2014&After.pdf”>http://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies_Fall2014&After.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Can I get some yes or no answers whether in your opinion I will get into Engineering ED?

<p>I know you are anxious but you do realize we are all just guessing here on your acceptance. None of us can tell you if you will get into the COE. Only admissions can tell you. I do think it’s very subjective. My daughter scored over 2000 on her SATs but her math was only so so. Her grades however were perfect…4.0 unweighted/4.7 weighted. She was also an athlete and had a lot of community service stuff. She took 6 AP courses and got 4s and 5s in all. She got into the COE. They didn’t just look at one thing…it appears to be an overall approach. From seeing the freshman in her class (and from what she says) I would guess your chances are 70/30 that you will get in. </p>