What is the most impt factor in selecting a college?

Where will you see yourself happy with both your social environment and your academic acheivements?

Must be a fit for the student or nothing else matters. Once you find that, you pick the best academics at the price you can afford.

For me, other than academic prestige and size, there wasn’t a particular aspect about my favorite schools that I could put my finger on. It was more just a “feeling” and “vibe” I got from visiting that just happened to click with me.

Job placement, career opportunities, internship opportunities, career services resources

(And affordability)

Net COA (cost of attendance) and location. Go to school where you’re willing to live and work, at least initially.

Cost, cost, cost.

For me, the most important factor in selecting a college is affordability with quality. Can you cover the tuition fee? If yes, does it give you quality education? You should always keep in mind the relationship of these two factors. it shouldn’t be separated. Even there’s a diversity of factors when you select your college, the “affordabiity” and “quality” shouldn’t be missed out.

The college equip you with the knowledge and experience you need for the future. If you have some career direction, will the college provide you with the education you need to enter that field.

The college having your major of choice and a proper pathway to the career you’d like is most important. Secondary to that, you need to feel comfortable there. Otherwise, the phrase “if you don’t like it, you won’t do well” could ring true. Especially if you will be there for 4-8 years, comfort is necessary. Prestige isn’t necessarily relevant when applying for a job. Yes, “Harvard” on your resume will stand out. However, as long as you have a degree in your chosen area, that’ll be fine.

For me, location and beauty of the campus. I personally could not go to a school that isn’t aesthetically pleasing.

Sports and athletics.


For you maybe, LOL! That doesn’t even factor in for some of us.

The most important factor is selecting a college with your interests and your desired major. For instance you shouldn’t go to NYU Law school if you want to be a surgeon.

To those who say prestige - you are not buying clothing or a luxury item.

You are selecting an institute of higher education.

It is perhaps the last time in your life you will have the opportunity and freedom to dedicate your time and effort to learn. And decide what you want to be when you grow up.

Oh the places you will go. If you make the right choices, work hard and enjoy life.

Personally fit is key, and choosing the school and program you will do extremely well in is critical.

Don’t get suckered into huge debt. Don’t choose a school where most are smarter than you. Don’t go to the best school you get into.

This is a huge decision. Pick the school you fit into, feel at home at and for goodness sakes make your choice for you. Not your parents, friends or family. There is no shame, or bragging for getting into a school. Because that is just the first step of many for launching your adult life. It’s all up to you from there.

The place where you can see yourself not just living, but thriving in for the next 4 years.

A place where your offspring is excited to attend.

I think culture and prestige are super important. They are two things that money cannot buy.

For me, The education it offers. I don’t mean to sound like a know-it-all but hey! If the college offer the education you want to have then why bother. And besides, nowadays we all need that “wow” factor, meaning the factor that’d make us proud that we studied there, when looking for colleges. Specially now that colleges with diversed culture of education are being more nurtured.