<p>As the question states......</p>
<p>this is for the prospective students on cc (including me :) )</p>
<p>As the question states......</p>
<p>this is for the prospective students on cc (including me :) )</p>
<p>Well it matters if the school has a dress code or uniform. For example Exeter its a little more formal during school hours…</p>
<p>And Andover is a more lax when it comes to clothes during school hours (they dont have a uniform)</p>
<p>how about outside of class, regardless of which school it is?</p>
<p>i know this sound really stupid, but are students allowed to wear like -dress code appropriate- oversized shirt/dresshirts and leggings? i have a million of those and i would lovee to wear them in class as well as out of class :P</p>
<p>Well I think that if you’re talking about an Oxford shirt, and if it isn’t too huge, than yeah that’s totally adhering to the dress code.</p>
<p>I highly doubt the leggings though.</p>
<p>Are we talking girls or boys? It makes a huge difference. From what I’ve heard, even at schools with dress codes the girls get away with murder.</p>
<p>I so agree Photo Op! Even if you look at the viewbook pictures for Exeter, the boys are in dress shirts and ties around the table. However, the girls look like they are wearing long sleeve t shirts and khakis. For once it seems like the girls have an easier time with clothing in bs than the guys. (payback for the rest of your life LOL)</p>
<p>at SPS leggings are totally fine in classes…we do however have a more relaxed dress code.
in class: any jeans that aren’t blue (colored, black, gray) and also dark blue can be accepted sometimes even though your technically not allowed…also shirts as long as they are semi-fancy not trashy are okay and you can wear sweatshirts (like hoodies) you can wear leggings although i’m sure you would get asked to change if they were short and didn’t cover your butt, but as long as they sort of do your fine.</p>
<p>out of class: everyone walks around in spandex and huge sweatshirts and sweatpants and jeans, it doesn’t really matter what you wear.</p>
<p>spandex? hmmm</p>