What is the order of how good the UCs are?

<p>In the sciences, yes. In business and the arts, no. (That's why I said it's hard without a set of consistent criteria, to make meaningful comparisons.)</p>

<p>I wouldn't find it ridiculous to rank Davis/SB/Irvine and definitely SD over USC at all. USC's popularity is a little too new to solidly establish it as high up as some people regard it.</p>

<p>The most standard way would be to go off of USNWR.</p>

<p>UC Berkeley
UCSB (maybe switch with UCI -- can't remeber)

<p>1) CAL!
3) the rest of the UCs
10) Stanford*</p>

<p>*My rankings may show signs of bias. >:]</p>

<p>just a bit :) but as a student at one of the lower uc's its my job to point out that they are all really good schools, so battling over which is the best is ridiculous. we're all brothers and sister in the UC system, so show the love :)</p>

<p>It's hard to say which one is better... You should also consider their specialties. For example, I got accepted to all UC's (except berkeley) and chose UCSB over like UCLA due to advantages to my major.</p>

<p>you have got to be kidding. its
(all other UC's)</p>

<p>Let me put something into perspective. USC in 2000 was named college of the year, and it's only gone up in rankings. This year a list of dream colleges had usc even over ucla. the UC's depend on state funding which is doing anything but increasing. USC has an endowment fund that may not be like the Ivies, but it comes close. we're only one behind ucla as is. I have no doubt within the next year, usc will become moreso if not just as formidable as ucla. Fight On!</p>

<p>Um, no. Desired school doesn't equal good school. No doubt UCLA has better fees and a much better education than USC. Same with UCB, and quite possibly the mid-tier UCs as well. IMO, USC = overrated.</p>

<p>It's spelled "Berkeley" btw.</p>

<p>USC is not overrated, in fact it's the quite opposite. There is no trend even indicating USC has been losing standing, in fact it has been on a continuous spiral upward for the last decade. Reality check buddy.</p>

<p>Well, from what I've learned from staring at rankings for the past months is that no matter the quality of undergraduate education, most of the rankings are based upon graduate programs, and other "criteria" (number of Nobel Laureates and citations from that particular university and their profs.). </p>

<p>Also, if a university has a football team, it's good. ::rolls eyes::</p>

<p>Seriously though, is USC that bad? This is the first place where I've heard people say USC is "overrated" or ''not that good." I plan to attend USC after UCSB for my graduate studies, and I'd say that USC is a damn good school. However, I base most of my personal "rankings" mostly on admissions. The students themselves are what define a university for me. The model Cal student should be able to succeed in any UC campus. For those who didn't make it, well, it's a different story. Which is why I will never hold UCSB on the pedestal that UCLA and Cal are on. There are far too few people who reject LA and Berkeley for mid-low tier UC's.</p>

<p>I say you have to view schools on a personal level. If USC was above UCLA (imaginary rankings, understand) but you liked UCLA better, who cares if you dont pick USC? I mean, maybe you like the atmosphere better there, or you are interested in one of their programs? This thread frustrates me because it discourages actual campus compatability. It's not all about how the country sees the school, its how you connect with it and make the most out of it in 4 years. I think we can all agree that just going to a UC school (or USC) is an honor in itself; let's not argue who's above whom in the rankings.</p>

<p>As ephiphany so aptly pointed out it really does depend on what your major is.</p>

<p>I totally have to agree with the above two points. I always get annoyed when people discredit USC, because I know what that school means to me and all the opportunities I'm getting from there. It's just like, dude you've got it so wrong. At the end of the day it's what you make of the school, and not what everybody else does.</p>

<p>Lol bruins fan</p>