What is the Party Scene Here? Is it really clubs and South Beach?

Hi, my daughter is seriously considering Miami. She recieved a very nice merit scholarship. She is also very social and loves the greek life. I was just wondering what is the party scene? I have heard that the students go into South Beach every weekend and into the Miami Club scene. Is this true or is it more like a big 10 school where kids party on campus and frat parties?

So from what my Freshman D tells me there is an intense Club scene that many students enjoy. She felt it was not for her. Also, frats have pool parties. Since there is no town area in walking distance most frat parties are off-campus and they Uber to them. She joined a sorority (they have spring rush) and is enjoying the social activities the pledge class is doing. I’d say overall the social scene is intense at Miami and not a typical college scene. That might be difficult for some kids. It’s taken my D a while to feel comfortable with it all and she’s super social.

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One knock is U’s Hurricane football games and tailgate are off campus near where the Dolphins play. 30-40 min bus ride.


I’m guessing it’s not cheap to go clubbing in Miami & South Beach.

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It can get expensive since Ubers add up and most clubs charge covers. Then there’s the fact that many of them are 21 and up so lots of fake IDs.

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