What is the policy for off-campus liberty university students?

If you live off-campus while attending liberty University do you have to follow any rules? If you attend liberty university can you drink alcohol if you live off-campus? Can you get into trouble if you are caught drinking alcohol in your off-campus resident? Do off-campus students have to sign a code of conduct?

Same rules apply but much easier to break them unless somebody turns you in.


I live with a lot of liberty university students in a condominium complex. I have lived in Lynchburg since I was three and went to thomas road baptist church as a kid. I am 52 years old now. A lot of them don’t follow the off-campus living guide. They drink, smoke, mess around with women and won’t even attend church on Sunday. What will happen if they get caught doing any of these things? They tell me the university can’t do anything to them since they live off campus.

They can give them the boot from school if they want to start. Or just fine them. Yes many LU kids are quite normal college students. Might not have been their 1st choice

Who would you contact at liberty university or what department? I have some students that are just to noisy. They drink and stay up late. The landlord will not do much because they depend on liberty students to fill their units in the fall.

I would not and think it’s a crappy thing to do.

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The crappy thing is students that go to a christian university and sign a code of conduct not to consume alcohol, smoke, go to r-rated movies, etc. They have no intention of following the rules. They are a bunch of hypocrites. In my opinion they don’t belong there. They should go to a regular college or university where they do those things. They are a disgrace to the university and should be caught and removed from school.

Lynchburg needs more bars and clubs. If some LU kids want to do too that OK with me.

Not going to happen in Lynchburg. This is Falwell territory. Your living in fantasy land.