What is the probability that I will get in??

I am from India. I want to do a major in Neuroscience and Computers. Do I have a chance???</p>

<p>MIT, Stanford, CalTech, Princeton, Dartmouth(ED), Dickinson, Colgate, Amherst, Middlebury.</p>

<p>My Profile ---</p>

<p>Grades ---
Class 10
English - 92
Physics - 92
Chemistry - 92
Biology - 92
Maths - 94
History and Civics - 96
Geography - 96
Hindi - 86</p>

<p>Class 12
English - 96
Physics - 88
Chemistry - 90
Maths - 76(I know, I know .. my only only only weakling ... but can my fabulous research overshadow it?)
Environmental Science - 90
Hindi - 78</p>

<p>SAT ---
SAT I - 2300/2400
SAT II - 2340/2400</p>

<p>ECs ---
I am a recognized poet and writer
Won International Students Quality Circle
Research paper on fuzzy circuits and iridium satellite, neural networks
Led Save Tigers Campaign
Made a short film
Nationally recognized essay on Modern Education, play on Culture</p>

<p>Sports ---
Did advanced Rock Climbing and mountaineering for many years
I don't play but I give classes to the local football team about dynamics and stuff to help them understand the physics behind the football</p>

<p>Music ---
Member of School band. Sing and play the guitar
I also teach singing and guitar</p>

<p>Social Service ---
Member of Lions Club
Volunteer work of 300+ hours
Did all sorts of Environment activities with Green Peace
Supervised the micro-credit system in local villages
Did classes for adults and kids, the underprivileged
Helped village people sell their cottage goods</p>

<p>Solid SAT Scores. But I have a few questions regarding your ECs: </p>

<li><p>I am a recognized poet and writer <- Recognized where?</p></li>
<li><p>Led Save Tigers Campaign <-- Its a National Campaign. Led in what sense?</p></li>
<li><p>Made a short film. -- About?</p></li>
<li><p>Did advanced Rock Climbing and mountaineering for many years <-- Considering you are 17. How many years is that?</p></li>
<li><p>Member of Lions Club <--I would cut this out.</p></li>

<p>The Point : Be specific about your ECs. :)</p>

<p>Dickinson and Colgate would be a Match and others - high reaches.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<li>Umm thats a tough question. Having never published my works, I can only have this attested by my teachers and principal.</li>
<li>Led my school. Won various awards.</li>
<li>About Foreigners who come to visit a local temple here and the cultural blend that happens thereafter. </li>
<li>I am 18. And I have 5 years of experience. Best Climber award twice too.</li>
<li>Okie Dokie!!</li>

<p>Doesn't my research make me (even a bit) unique??</p>

<p>Did you get full aid from Colgate??</p>

<p>Come on!!!!</p>

<p>Yes, I received significant amount of financial aid from Colgate.</p>

<p>If you haven't published your work, 'recognized' would be a wrong word to choose.</p>

<p>Its the award that matters - List the awards you have won. (In regard to save tigers campaign)</p>

<p>Where was the research paper submitted? Was it a school paper?</p>

<p>No .. pretty advanced for school. But its reviewed by a scientist. I get that ado about "recognized", I might just let my English teacher speak about it. Ok ... I will. How much is significant? Aid is a very important factor for me ........</p>

No .. pretty advanced for school. But its reviewed by a scientist.


<p>Colleges need some hard facts. By saying it was just reviewed by a scientist doesn't prove that it was advanced for school. </p>

<p>Colgate will meet your need if they decide to admit you. So if you require a full ride they will give you a full ride.</p>

<p>Yupeee!!! I will be providing the abstracts of my research. And I will attach the reviews. I would have sent the papers altogether but colleges asked me not to. If you don't mind, which other schools did u apply to and which accepted you? What are you majoring in? How are Neuroscience, Computers and Mathematics there? How is the grad school placement? How good are the job opportunities after undergrad (any Google, Apple guys?)? Hope I amn't pestering you much! Thanks!!</p>

<p>Colgate is a top LAC, so all your answers would be positive. I'll let Ajay come do the honours :).</p>

<p>Choose some safeties, adrivit. Except Dickinson and Colgate, the other schools are all reaches. You have solid scores and good ECs (but average for a top school applicant though). Now it all comes down to recs and essays. Good luck :).</p>

<p>well terisfan, what about my standing at other schools??
ccnovice --- I can't find any other safety which offers full aid to intls. Do youknow abt any?</p>

<p>Hey, an intl seeking fin aid has no safeties. Period. It's one of those facts of the admissions process.</p>

<p>Look up hidden colleges in the south and midwest. These are generally off most intl applicants' radars. They may have 80% acceptance rates, but if you work you ass off at such a place and do meaningful, published research, no grad school is beyond your reach.</p>


<p>jk, but you have a good shot.</p>

<p>Welcome to wherever you want to be, including HYPS!!!</p>

<p>Well said!!</p>

Well said!!


<p>This is in response to which post?</p>

<p>To the last post ... You didn't reply to questions about Colgate ...... Waiting!</p>

<p>I got into a few of other colleges. Bates, URichmond etc and mostly waitlisted at others. And I have no idea about the other questions you have asked though their answers are readily available on Colgates site. Colgate</a> University is a leading liberal arts university located in Hamilton, N.Y.</p>

<p>So considering your last post you think you are in at HYPMS?</p>

<p>No. That's utter over-confidence. The truth is that I will give it all I have. I know that I fit MIT and MIT fits me. But they may think otherwise. I know many people who have more marks than me but they can't even think out of their ISC textbook. I am proud to be NOT one of them. I hope MIT understands that.</p>

<p>Err ... I wanted an insider's view actually on Colgate's departmental strengths in Math and ComSci and its placements ... if u would!</p>

<p>AFAIK Most LAC's don't have great employment placements if thats what you want, but IMHO they are the best choice if you want to get into a great grad school as well as enjoy your undergrad experience.</p>