What is the reason you choose engineering as major? Do you enjoy it? Dislikes and Likes?

<p>Just Curious. </p>

<p>Wanted to major in something technical that involved logical problem solving that did not involve figuring out people. Not smart enough to discover something novel in the field of Math or Physics, hated biology with a passion, and couldn’t see myself as a software developer or anything IT related, so… process of elimination.</p>

<p>Yes I enjoy it :-)</p>

<p>I like math and chemistry and was involved with laboratory glassware so I got a degree in ChemE. Having said that I hated organic chemistry.</p>

<p>I love math, art, and building things and absolutely hated to read at least anything related to english class and the classics (i actually read a lot outside school though but the things i read are like magazines, even educational ones, and nonfiction/how to books). Im a very visual person and enjoy the problem solving creativity so engineering was perfect for me. The only con i can probably say is that I wish i could have more electives to explore interests outside engineering, and that its harder for us to study abroad. So far, i have loved it and definitely enjoy it!</p>

<p>Because I hate accounting and business law. My brother explained to me combinatorial logic and I thought that was a piece of cake, he said there was more opportunities for female engineers. The math in engineering was more to my liking than the math in accounting.</p>

<p>I picked it because it would get me into a pretty diverse and stable career that had a good pay upon graduation. I have the aptitude. I have the time. I (sometimes) have the motivation. And I’m doing just fine. </p>

<p>I dislike the personalities I come across. Perhaps, I just had a strange and hard-to-get-with bunch this past year, but I even see the personalities on this forum. With more exposure come tolerance I guess. ;)</p>

<p>What do I enjoy? Um…unsure at the moment. I’ll make sure to post again when I figure it out!</p>

<p>I wanted to design stuff. Really was one of the simpler decisions of my life, I knew I wanted to be an engineer (and not a scientist, an engineer specifically) certainly no later than the start of high school. My big problem was deciding what KIND of engineer.</p>

<p>I picked it because I was good at math an science and originally interested in saving the world (environmental engineering). I transitioned to Mech Eng I liked problem solving, and it seemed general. I still like the idea that there is a lot of variety of engineering jobs. </p>

<p>Despite having a STEM program at my high school, engineering actually is a less common major for the “academic elites.” It requires talent in problem solving, mathematics, and physics which I’ve been good at since I was young.
I wanted to be a doctor in the past, probably the things they do with money, (LOL, heck no, waste of my brain cells memorizing stuff and my sanity), but I’ve always been told that engineering suited me best.
High school physics categorized what type of engineering I felt was best for me: Electrical.</p>

<p>IT’S FUN. Playing with DC, AC, digital circuitry, and electricity, all good stuff. Getting to do some Calculus and do some epicly challenging problems and then feel good about it afterwards. I’m on my way to getting a paid internship soon / my field almost guarantees a job. A dislike is troubleshooting. This can be cumbersome to find that little error in the system that makes it go awry, but it is a good feel and a great learning experience to do this.</p>