What is the strength of MOP black for college applications in 2023?(all the other posts are from like years ago)

Ive read some recent posts about MOP as a focal point for college applications, but they all seem kind of outdated. For an asian male, assuming strong grades and essays, how strong is MOP black as an award for a college like MIT? I recently chose MOP over RSI, (just because of the IMO chance), but now really want to see the benefits of doing so for college.

I would also like to request an answer talking about the future of these strong awards such as RSI and MOP for college apps to ivies like MIT

Tagging @hebegebe regarding your questions.

(As an aside, I assume you used the word “ivies” generically to mean elite private colleges, because MIT is not an Ivy League school).

For those of us who are not familiar…what is MOP?

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Math Olympiad Program. From what I read the top 12 American scorers form the black group. Sounds like this would be pretty impressive.

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For the past several years, MIT has accepted almost every USA IMO team member and gotten the vast majority of them to enroll as well.

Since the IMO team is chosen from Black MOP, your chances at MIT and CalTech remain very strong. They are also quite strong at places like Harvard and Stanford as well, but not quite as much as with MIT and CalTech.


Thanks @hebegebe!

@thatsephist, is MOP black aspirational or an actual achievement of yours?

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actual achievement. thanks for all the responses!


ya sorry if that wasnt clear

what is your opinion on it for the future, say till 2030?

You are asking an equivalent question of what are the chances of getting into Alabama if you are one of the top twelve recruits on Rivals for football.

MIT has won the Putnam the last few years, and many of the people on the winning team are the ones on the IMO team from previous years. I suspect they want to keep recruiting students at this level to keep winning the Putnam.

By the way, I just updated my tables to show where the 2022 USA IMO members went, and for the first time in several years, Harvard actually nabbed 2 students, MIT got two, and the other two are TBD as they are either still in high school or haven’t publicly announced their college plans.


2023 Update: All four seniors on this year’s IMO Team (which includes those two students from last year) are headed for MIT

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