What is the Typical Life of a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner?

Hi! I’m a current junior who is considering a nursing as a possible career option. Specifically, I want to become a Pysch NP. I do not see myself staying as a RN for long.
For undergrads and grad students, what is a typical day as a nursing student? What does a typical day as a Psych NP look like?


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I highly recommend checking out allnurses.com and asking over there. Lots more traffic for nursing in particular and there are psych NPs who frequent the NP section over there.

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I accompany one of my family members to their psychiatric NP appointments a lot. Their NP works in a clinic with psychiatrists, other NPs, and psychotherapists. The NP manages meds for patients. That’s what the appointments focus on almost entirely.

My family member’s psychotherapy is done by a psychologist. The diagnoses came from a different psychologist who specializes in testing. Initial med prescribed by the PCP. Once a second med had to be added, the patient got sent to the psychiatrist NP. My family member’s conditions are common, so if they had more complicated needs as far as diagnoses and/or meds, I imagine they’d see the MD. Every single one of their practitioners is at a different clinic.

I’m sure there’s variation amongst psychiatric NPs, but ours overwhelmingly does med management.