What is there to do in Geneseo? (current students/alumni??)

Hey everyone! I’ve posted in the Geneseo forum a couple times before, and have stalked it quite a bit. It seems like people tend to avoid one subject that I personally think is a pretty big thing to take into consideration: the incredibly tiny size of Geneseo, both the school and the town. I tend to prefer large schools and bustling college towns, but Geneseo is the most affordable option right now. So, what is there to do for fun while at school (for someone who doesn’t drink or party)? I understand that there’s clubs…but is it hard to stay entertained? If it is truly as academically rigorous as everyone claims, the apparent lack of things to do to relax or get away from work does worry me slightly. I was trying to find information online and stumbled across one site that even had a student claiming they sometimes ride the bus to and from Walmart for fun…any info is appreciated!

As a current student at geneseo I can tell you that there is not much to do in the area. There are tons of clubs and teams intramural and club. Other than that there is not much to do in town.

My D goes to Geneseo. It probably isn’t right for someone who likes city life. There are lots of clubs and activities on campus. There’s a movie theatre. If you don’t have a car, getting to Rochester is difficult. It is a very pretty campus though. There’s a beautiful state park (Letchworth) nearby.

Before I came here people told me I’d make my own fun and after a year of doing just that, I realized they were right. I joined Gamma Chi Epsilon, a co-ed greek organization and always have something to do on the weekends. Some of my best memories of this year involve doing ridiculous things with my friends, like making a snow penis in the middle of the college green, going to house shows and dancing so much the floor almost collapses, or even last weekend when my friends and I just smoked cigarettes, drank beer, and hung out in the backyard of a friends house. There’s always something to do… it’s a little harder to find, but fun’s always to be had.