<p>got a likely from columbia engr a while ago, now this -- </p>
<p>" in recognition of your exceptional achievements, I am happy to inform you that you are also likely to be named an Egleston Scholar, the most prestigious academic designation for undergraduates awarded by Columbia Engineering. "</p>
<p>anyone know what this is?</p>
<p>It’ what you think it is - You are very very very very likely to receive a scholarship (a very prestigious one) from Columbia! What else?
<p>Ivies don’t give merit scholarships</p>
<p>Yeah, conorske is right, there’s no merit aid for Ivies. I would just call the admissions office and ask. Most likely it’s some sort of honors program where you get to take accelerated classes or something like that.</p>
<p>no. this scholarship changes your loans into grants if i remember correctly.</p>
<p>oh man, that’d be pretty awesome!</p>
<p>There aren’t loans anymore. Be informed, people.</p>
<p>I received this as well…i talked to the director of engineering recruitment. While there are several benefits, it is very similar to the rabi scholar program and revolves around research–you’re basically thrown 10 grand to do SOMETHING related to engineering. it could be traveling, it could be a design, etc. etc.</p>
<p>Congrats! Hopefully this means we’ll be egleston scholars come admissions day</p>