<p>I was wondering what the University of Cincinnai school of design is like? I have also heard the Univ of Cincinnati has some serious crime problems. Can someone elaborate on this and state whether this is true?</p>
<p>I would suggest looking at the crime blotter to find out about the crime situation. I can tell you that the area surround UCi is a bit seedy at places. No worse than USC, better than parts of UC, I would say. Most kids live off campus; lots of commuters which makes the on campus events weaker than you would often see in a university of this size, and most kids are from the state. Off campus housing is cheap and available but safety can be an issue if you are not careful picking your apt, Parking is a bear. The food is lousy, but there are many off campus eateries offering good, cheap alteranatives. Cincinnati is a wonderful city and there is a bus that runs right by the campus into downtown. </p>
<p>The co-op programs are supposed to be quite good at Cinci. Good computer and library resources. Other good co-op arts programs in Ohio are at Antioch and Ohio U (don't know about co-op at OU). My D wants to go here for med school and my son is taking evening classes (post grad) here.</p>
<p>Okay, well I'm from Cincinnati, I go to a high school a short drive from UC. Practically everyone from my school goes to either UC, Miami, Xavier, or OSU, so I know a lot about UC as far as student opinions go. It seems like a lot of people like it, but it also seems like the people that don't want to get out of Cincinnati. Cincinnati's an OK place, but its not anything all that great. The art scene is getting bigger what with the opening of the CAC and the Pendleton Art Center and the Rosenthals. UC is in a sort of funky part of town, which is what attributes to its high crime ratings. I don't think the crime in Clifton and around there is really that bad, it just reflects poorly on the college. I've always felt very safe there. Since TONS of the students live off campus it means that the crime ratings are goign to be higher than if everyone lived on campus--though, take that into consideration that you too will probably be off campus in an apartment or something. As far as education, it seems to be okay. DAAP is a great great program, if you're interested in architecture or design it's very very good. I for one am more of a fine arts person so that's one reason, along with a number of others, that I didn't apply to UC. Good sports teams, a pretty typical college though not much of a campus life like the previous poster said. I get the feeling its a lot of offcampus less official stuff that goes on. CCM is also very good. And as far as that bus that runs downtown? Yeah, I don't know ANYONE in Cincinnati that doesn't drive everywhere. The public transportation is absolutely TERRIBLE. Don't expect anything except driving yourself or with your friends.</p>