What is up with my GPA? HELP!

<p>Hey guys, this is my first time on this forum, though I have been on it before. So I am going to be a high school senior this year and I recently just checked my school records and took a look at my GPA. This is my info:</p>

<p>Academic GPA:
NON-WEIGHTED: 3.26</p>

<p>O.O I was\am so surprised to see the difference in the GPA. </p>

<p>Total GPA:
NON-WEIGHTED: 3.41</p>

<p>O.O Still shocked! </p>

<p>10-12 GPA
NON-WEIGHTED: 3.33</p>

<pre><code>^^ Seeing that made my stomach, my heart...everything drop!

<p>All right so I have always been a smart student. Not the smartest kid in class, but fairly advanced. I always took the top academic classes. I have always been in Honors and such. I am also in IB since 10 grade. I took all the core IB classes and still am. I have always done well in my classes. Well, as an all A's and B's. I have gotten one C, but I didn't think that would impact my GPA THAT much!! I have gotten a 3.5 and higher every semester in high school. In freshman Year, both semesters I had 3.8 as my GPA. Afterwards I always had 4.0 and above. I knew that my cumulative non-weighted GPA wasn't a 4.0 or something but I did not ever think It would be a 3.33. </p>

<p>I am so scared that I wont get into a prestigious school. My dream school is UCSB. Or UCI. I haven't really decided yet. But now, after seeing this, I have lost all hope. I am not one to see the positive in all things. PLease, if you guys can help me out here and help me understand what is going here. Maybe it is a mistake on the school website...even though the printed out school record also has the same info. Should I talk to my counselor? I don't really know what to say to her. Like," This listed GPA is wrong and so fix it". I am very very shy and don't like to confront anyone with anything...even when my future life is involved. I guess what I am asking is for reassurance. Is this what my GPA should look like. Is this expected. What do colleges look at. I have heard that it is the cumulative non-weighted GPA, which in my case is is 3.33. </p>

<p>I have stressing about this for days, not knowing what to do. Please help me!! Thank You.</p>

<p>How many B’s are we talking about…? You could probably calculate your own GPA and check, unweighted an A, not an A-, is a 4.0 and a B is a 3.0. Say you got 3 As 3 Bs and 1 C. That’s 4+4+4+3+3+3+2= 23 so divide by number of classes you’re taking, 7 and the result is a 3.28. Now some schools may differ but this is the basic system I think. I don’t think you’re chances are totally shot, weirder acceptances have happened.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. I actually went online and checked how the UC’s calculate high school students’ gpa’s. I followed their system and found out that my gpa, in terms of their system, would be a 3.8. I dont know. I am still confused and worried but I just have to move on with this and maybe retake the SAT. I got a 1700 the first time. And I have yet take the ACT.</p>