<p>okay so the guy who I wanted to ask me to prom finally did....um we've basically been flirting all year...he seemed shy.
well about two days ago, while we were texting, he asked if I could be his date (i said yes of course).
prior to asking me to the prom, we texted A LOT...now he's not really texting me o_O
and when we do text he seems distracted.
when we interact in person, he just looks at me and seems to try to be avoiding me..(not really...we sat together in class and were close but it was still awkward)</p>
<p>and you know once you ask a person to prom you supposed to discuss it again, right? like strike up a conversation about what we're wearing or whatever...well when we met in school, he didnt even mention that he asked me.
SHould I bring it up? What if he changed his mind about taking me already?
I'm so confused....and kind of sad :/</p>
<p>Are you sure you didn’t accidentally say no?</p>
<p>you said it yourself…he’s SHYYYYYYYY
bring it up or he’ll start to think you’re not interested:)</p>
<p>or maybe his friend actually wrote the text…</p>
<p>Harry Jones—this is no time for jokes
<p>ughh but it sucks working with him be/c im shy too :/…alright i guess im going to have to wear the pants in this “relationship”.
he’s so hard to read that it drives me insane</p>
<p>I don’ think it was his friend be/c it was quite late at night and he was at home alone…i know, i had just left from there.</p>
<p>do any guys want to answer?? i need to understand how you think! :(</p>
<p>Oh my god. I cannot believe how much your case matches to mine. You’re in luck. I am a guy. In my story, I am the shy guy as well. Here’s my perception:</p>
<p>Alot of my relationships with girls have never been the best. Although, I did amass quite a number of girls who liked me, I never mustered the courage to ask any of them out. 1) The girl that i first liked rejected me. That hurt badly. I think the thing with shy guys is that they are sensitive to rejection. I was rejected early and i took it personally. Ever since, I’ve been having a hard time asking other girls out. Maybe the story is the same with your guy? Even though I know that my prom date said yes to me, I still feel a little…insecure? (idk if that’s the right word). That’s why i am scared to strike up a convo…because I feel that maybe im not good enough and eventually my date would find somebody else because she is hella cute.
In my mind, i see many girls smiling at me and looking at me with the corners of their eyes. And im willing to bet that they have some feelings towards me. But it’s just that they are very pretty that they are usually hit on by better guys, as in guys that are physically built, taller, football jock types. What happens is that inevitably i compare myself to these guys and i think, “Well, I can’t compare to that. Next girl!” I think that eventually I’ll hit this one girl in my life that is pretty, doesn’t get hit on by other guys, and really likes me–a highly unlikely chance but it’s still possible, no? Eh, maybe not…</p>
<p>So my advice to you: Make him feel secure. Don’t be all up on his case either. But compliment him every now and then. Ask him for help. Make him feel “manly”. Eventually, he’ll garner the security enough to spark up convo’s.</p>
<p>whoa yes thanks meursalt!! awesome insight…and advice.
i’m quite insecure too…i was that maybe he’s into someone else now…o_O
but he just might be feeling insecure…i’ll be nice to him without being annoying.</p>
<p>^do you have any form of evidence that would indicate his liking someone else?</p>
<p>noo I don’t lol
that’s what trying to make sense of his behavior led me to believe…but he doesn’t flirt with everyone</p>
<p>Meursalt, how did you chose your name? Because the English nerd in me just connected it to Camus’s book The Stranger.</p>
<p>^ugh look at you being off-topic lol</p>
<p>Sorry! It was a quick concern of mine suddenly!</p>
<p>But in response to the OP, I’d say, just bring it up with him first. I tihnk he’s probably now really nervous about prom, which is understandable from how shy he sounds. Maybe text him and say you’re super excited and say you found a dress in whatever color and ask him if he would be fine matching that, or whatever.</p>
<p>I am not going to lie. I flirt with alot of girls too even though im shy. But I wouldn’t ever, EVER ask them out, especially when that girl wasn’t my prom date. That would be some *<strong><em>ed up *</em></strong>.</p>
<p>^yes indeed :p</p>
<p>ugh guys are so hard to understand…</p>
<p>Just because males and females often have trouble understanding each other doesn’t make one inherently harder to understand than the other. Indeed, the comparison isn’t wholly accurate; one would be better off saying that fellow human beings in general are difficult to understand, but that the male/female division is more noticed because of the romantic nature of male/female interaction putting pressure on people to figure out how others think/feel, whereas we would normally be concerned with how others act.</p>
<p>Anyway, it sounds like the guy likes you, but is shy. If he isn’t mentioning it, he probably worries that you didn’t mean it or that you’ll change your mind, causing him to be nervous, causing him to not be as social with you. You need to reassure him, and he’ll start reassuring you. Or it could go the other way, but you make it sound like you don’t want to wait for him to become secure without any help from you.</p>
<p>It doesn’t sound like he’s lost interest, you’re just in the awkward beginning stage of the relationship.</p>
<p>Ugh shy boys are so hard to understand sometimes but they can be the sweetest once you learn X) Im going to prom with one too and sometimes I wonder if Im a control freak…but I think he likes me taking charge sometimes because he really is…clueless about girls and prom and such. In your case, I wouldn’t feel guilty about doing all the talking but make sure he does stuff too like buying a corsage and a tie matching your dress and picking the restaurant. Be honest and warm; shy guys also like some space (but don’t give too much room because thats how my last relationship ended Xp). They are more fascinated than scared by less shy girls.</p>
<p>I basically agree with every male above. The guy is shy and needs to warm up to you.</p>
<p>Casually bring up prom during a conversation. Say something like,“so I was looking at this dress for prom and it looked nice, what are you going to wear?”</p>
<p>Make it seem innocent and act like you aren’t looking for confirmation.</p>
<p>please please please acknowledge him and make it known that you like him and want to be with him!
dont be insecure about it</p>