<p>international students, i am curious, what is your first choice school?</p>
<p>Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford</p>
<p>Princeton :)</p>
<p>Yale ...I wish i had fallen in love with a less selective school!!!</p>
<p>Stanford, definitely</p>
<p>Caltech :-)</p>
<p>aaargh I hate everyone who's applying to Princeton! Especially my fellow super-talented Indians...</p>
<p>Oh well there's no harm in dreaming...:(</p>
<p>Princeton > Yale > Brown > Swarthmore = Chicago > Williams > Lehigh > Grinnell = Middlebury > Vassar = Trinity College</p>
<p>I omit H coz that just skews things up. For those who know my identity, let's keep it confidential, shall we? :) Thanks</p>
<p>LOL :D
what's prompted this great urge for secrecy?</p>
<p>the urge for secrecy, coz, this board has lots of adcoms viewing. didn't you know that. i don't want the colls towards the end of my list thinkin i don't love them. i still love you all, colls!</p>
<p>so you've made another alter ego to post your views
ok that makes perfect sense :)</p>
<p>Oh come on AB, he/she/it was just asking you to keep shut about his/her/its identity...you aren't allowed to give people clues :p</p>
<p>Univ of Pennsylvania - Wharton</p>
<p>Cornell !! Cornell!!</p>
<p>!!!! Mit !!!!</p>
<p>Chicago = Georgetown</p>
<p>PRINCETON ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then cornell, dartmouth...and who cares about duke and Gatech anyway? ;) last choice schools in the U.S for me...</p>
<p>whichever school I get into :)</p>
<p>I've never really had a clear first choice. All the places to which I applied are good in some respects and not so good in others. But probably I'd enjoy myself no matter where I went. I'll just have to see who accepts me.</p>