<p>i'm an asian but strangely, critical reading is my best section. whats your best section?</p>
<p>Math and I’m asian.</p>
<p>Math – White Boy</p>
<p>Er, well usually I’d say math, but I completely messed up two easy/medium level questions on the March test. So, writing for me. Not typical Asian. :P</p>
<p>also math for me</p>
<p>Thought it was math until the March test :-P</p>
<p>Now I’d say writing, although all three are pretty close.</p>
<p>critical reading :]</p>
<p>Math and Writing are close. CR is horrible… I guess it’s because I’m an international</p>
<p>math, for sure. writing is a very close 2nd. and i’m asian as well. cr is much better from what it used to be a few yrs ago</p>
<p>well in math im a BEAST! but in critical reading in punk, lol.
In writting in OK but above avarage.</p>
<p>Writing by far… I’ve always been a reader and writer so the grammar concepts just come very easily to me. I’m thinking that I probably got an 800 on this section on the March SAT.</p>
<p>With no doubt, MATH. I’m Asian anyway.
My CR is horrible – I am not a very fluent English user.</p>
<p>Writing is fine.</p>
<p>Math - about 720-760
CR - about 650-680
WR 760-800 depending on essay</p>
<p>Critical Reading for me (I scored 750 last time I took it for real, 790-800 on practice tests since then). Which is hilarious because I’m an international…</p>
<p>I’m really hoping I will improve in Mathematics. I scored 670 on the last practice test I took. I’m doing intense study (more than 2 hours) everyday to improve to above 700 by May.</p>
<p>Writing is also a breeze for me, but I’m scared I won’t score as high as I did last time because of the subjectivity (and outright inefficiency) of the SAT’s essay scoring.</p>
<p>Where do you come from, wb555? May be your language and English are alike</p>
<p>German is similar to English but thats it .Only similar - the grammar is completely different</p>
<p>I’m from an Arab country so no similarities at all.</p>
<p>Writing or math</p>
<p>CR or Writing, far and away.</p>
<p>writing. asian girl. God i wish it was math/CR instead.</p>