What is your Daily Schedule?

I have not come across a thread with schedules of different people; got inspiration from post on what is the routine of ap students based on how many AP’s you are taking.

Post your daily schedules below (if they vary, include as much as you want) along with any extra info!

Mine personally is going to get a bit busier as I need to get involved with more extra curricular activities. I put a lot of explanation in so it makes sense. I plan to start math tutoring for this math tutor facility near my house so!

6:10 Wake up/get ready (no shower…i usually shower @ night)
6:30 Eat breakfast/get stuff ready
7:00 Leave for school (i have to leave early because of my stupid carpool who likes to get to school early…once i start driving though in 2 months i will be able to leave later)
7:45-2:35 School :open_mouth:
3:25~ Get home/eat something (atm i don’t have any after school activities although I should join a club or two…im not the key club kind of person or like NHS kind of person so i have not joined those…ill see!)
3:25-4:00 Browse internet/check reddit and everything else…i need better time management to be honest…
4:00-5:30 I usually start to do homework but I usually watch a few youtube videos if I don’t have anything due the next day…if I have a test I usually start studying much later I don’t know why. I don’t have much discipline but I am getting decent grades as I just look at all of the information and let my brain figure it out/memorize it. You’d be surprised that you don’t necessarily need to be able to recite information to like answer questions on it (atm im in ap euro/ap chem/ap calc bc and so ap euro/ap calc bc there isn’t much written work compared to the material being “difficult” but ap chem there is a lot of written homework but i shorten it down by writing fast)
5:30 shower/eat something
6:00-10:00 i usually spend some of this time studying and getting distracted and just derping around. if i have written work to do i get it done around 6:30 and start studying stuff at 8

also, around 8:30 i eat dinner; pretty late which is fine

10:00-11:00 finish up any work i didn’t get to; last minute review and then usually just chill on my phone before i sleep

The schedule I have is a bit on the non-disciplined side but at the end of the day everything gets done and like I don’t have necessarily chores to do due to not many people living at home and not much going on to be honest.

I do play soccer though!

6:15-Wake up. Go back to sleep.
6:30-Realize I really need to get up and get ready.
7:45-Leave for school. I’m cutting it close here.
8:05-3:30-School. I try to get as much homework done in school as possible.
3:30-6:00-Volleyball practice, on Thursdays I run law club from 3:30-4:45
6:15-Either go out and eat w/people or drive home
8:00-Procrastinate and/or watch my TV shows
10:00-Studying time/finishing any HW I didn’t do. If there’s a big paper due, I do my best work after midnight as I am downing a box of Goldfish. It’s just how I am. :slight_smile:
Way too late-Sleep

If I didn’t have volleyball, I’d usually try to work out a few times a week. Or volunteer.

@dasani12345 And cool, how’s soccer going for you? I had to choose between that and volleyball, and I ended up choosing the latter. Did play for a while, though.

5:30 wake up.
5:45 get out of bed after being on my phone for 15 minutes
6:20 get on the bus
7:00 get to school (I live 3 minutes away from school, so the bus has to sit in the parking lot for 20 minutes until 7)
7:20-2:10 school.
2:10-4:30/5 track practice (or cross country in the fall)
5:00 get home. Shower and usually relax for 30 minutes before starting homework.
9:00 or 10:00 finish homework, do chores (clean kitchen, iron, laundry everyday)
10 or 11 go to bed (finally!)

The only part I hate about my schedule is the lack of sleep; I have so much homework every night, and since I get home at around 5 I don’t have that much time to do it so I usually end up with 5 or 6 hours of sleep a day (which isn’t good if I have to run everyday)

awesome/interesting thread :slight_smile:

5:10 wake up
5:20 get off iPad and go shower
6:25 eat breakfast
6:40 get on bus
7:45 - 2:50 be at school, where I mostly tutor other students and aid teachers.
3:40 get home
3:45 - 5:00 change into pajamas, eat, go on reddit, talk to friends
5:00 - 6:00 exercise and do homework
6:30 - 6:50 eat dinner and dessert
7:00 - 8:00 manage my clubs (I do this online) and finish up any homework I need to do
8:30 - 9:00 remove makeup, wash face, get ready for bed by reading a book
9:30 - 10:00 attempt to fall asleep

I’m a senior in my last semester of high school so I’m not completely bogged down by homework. I also temporarily moved 2000 miles away from the high school I go to most of the time, that’s why I have to do my extracurriculars online. Currently, I’m running a gender equality club and creating workshops for a LGBTQ event.

@dennael wow, that’s far. If it’s not creepy of me to ask lol, but why did you move and where did you move to? Your schedule sounds awesome!

All I do is

7:00- WIN
8:00- WIN
9:00- WIN
2:15 (school ends) - WIN

no matter what.

@neonerudite I moved to the deep south from new england. My parents hate winter and so we go here each winter lol

5:30- Waken up by dad
6:00- Get out of bed after being yelled at
6:30- Eat breakfast because I missed the bus…again (3-4/5 days a week lol)
7:35-2:50- School
[Monday: 5-6 Soccer
Tues+Thurs: 3-4:30 Soccer conditioning at school 6-7:30 Club soccer training
Friday: Pickup Soccer 8-10]
4:00- Arrive home
5:00- Start homework
7:00- Eat dinner
8:00- Study/HW/Xbox
10:00-12 Get in bed… watch YouTube/CC/Snapchat/Texting
12:30 (1:30 am on occasion)- Fast asleep.

Not going to lie, my habits/daily schedule are horrible lol. I always tell myself I’l sleep earlier the next night, but I never do (did it this morning as well. Now I’l watch myself sleep at 12 or later.

Actual HS soccer season’s daily schedule is far worse in terms of time in the evening… Practice MWF till 6:30. Games Tues/Thurs and I don’t get home till 8:30/9- 9 weeks of grind :stuck_out_tongue:

WorkWorkWorkWorkWork (really fast)
Work Work Work Work (a little slower, a little less)
Read The Onion

5:45: My alarm rings.
6:00-6:15: I actually get up and go to the bathroom to get ready.
6:15-6:35: I just lay in my room. Contemplate life and how much school sucks. I scroll Twitter.
6:35-6:50: I eat breakfast, usually something quick and easy.
6:50-7:15: Ideally, I leave my house in time to drive to school (mother drops me off). Lately, I’ve been late though and the late bell rings when I walk in the school :confused:
7:20-2:05: School, school, school… Either 1,3,5,7 or 2,4,6,8 periods.
2:05-6:00: This huge chunk of time is a mixture of watching Netflix and doing homework. Sometimes, afterschool there is a club meeting I might attend. Also, I run winter track and that ran from 3:00-5:00.
6:00-6:30: Eat dinner.
6:30-10:00: Another mixture of watching Netflix, doing homework, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, etc. Wow… I actually have lots of free time.

Rinse and repeat.

@Marisa58‌ soccer is going pretty good! i usually go on fridays and play for a bit which is what i look forward to at the end of the week; currently in the team i am in we do lose quite a few games but we try which is fine.

i just started around 6 months ago so i havn’t been playing for super long but i like it its really fun!

i plan to try out for the soccer varsity team at my school near year in junior year as i will have easiest AP’s during the season when soccer is so :open_mouth:

@dasani12345 Awesome, good to hear! Soccer really is fun, and I hope you make it to varsity. What position do you play?


Wake up at 6:30

Have 5 minutes to brush teeth, get ready, and eat breakfast.

Ride the bus (20 minute ride)



Go home


Stay online for 1 or 2 more hours


Wake up

@marisa58 yeah i hope so too! our school is decent but nothing that isn’t possible!

i play striker which is fun i like it! :open_mouth:

Bump, my thread wasn’t as succesful as this one

Wake up at 5:30 am
Submit to slow, painful torture for 6-7 hours until approx. 2:08 pm
Play hockey from 5 to 9ish
Sleep if possible, or watch hockey if available on TV
If still not sleeping because of hockey, find a movie or TV show to watch
If sleeping, sleep until 5:30 am the following day.


Recently, I’ve been able to take on a lighter schedule. Instead of submitting to torture for 6-7 hours, I am able to coerce my captives into releasing me early and I only have to deal with 4 hours. Much more manageable

6:20: Wake Up
6:35: Get dressed and eat breakfast
7:10: Head to school
7:55: Go to 1st Period
9:45: Go to 2nd Period
11:11: Go to 3rd Period
11:59: Eat lunch (4th Period)
12:41: Go to 5th Period
1:23: Go to 6th Period
3:00: School ends, I either tutor or go to Key Club for an hour, on Wednesdays I just go home
3:00-4:00: (on Wednesdays): Eat a snack while doing homework
4:00-5:00: Play a game of League of Legends so I can try to get my First Win of the Day bonus in
5:00-7:00: Do homework
7:00-7:30: Eat dinner
7:30-9:00: Do homework
9:00-9:15: Take a shower
9:15-9:45: Pack up for the next day and browse the Internet
9:45-10:20: Pray and read a book
10:20-6:20: Sleep and repeat

5:20 - 5:50, Wake up, get ready, leave for bus.
6:10 - 6:50, Bus Ride. I’m usually sleeping and listening to music.
6:50 - 7:15, Get to school and socialize with friends.
7:25 - 8:14, First Period, AP United States History
8:18 - 9:06, Second Period, Latin 2
9:10 - 9:58, Third Period, AP English Language and Composition
10:02 - 10:50, Fourth Period, Dual Enrollment (College) Cisco Networking
10:50 - 11:44, Reading Period and Lunch
11:48 - 12:36, Fifth Period, Free Period
12:40 - 1:28, Sixth Period, AP Chemistry
1:32 - 2:20, Seventh Period, Honors Calculus
2:20 - 2:35, Wait outside of school for bus. Socialize.
2:35 - 3:30, Bus Ride. Sleep and music. My sister or mom picks me up from the stop to take me to work.
3:30 - 6:10, Paid Internship at a Dental Lab. I get picked up by my mom or sister. I need to get a permit…
6:15 - 1:00, Whatever I do at home. A lot of procrastination, some homework, food. Uh. It’s all a blur.