What is your Myers-Briggs Type?

<p>^You left out Diamond. My favorite of the bunch. ):</p>

<p>I also know someone with 12 original Warhol works, but that’s besides the point.</p>

<p>INTJ </p>

<p>I think this test is kinda rigged though because everyone who takes it seems to get INTJ…</p>

<p>Not me! Or a bunch of others!</p>

<p>Yeah I read something that said that INTJ was the rarest combination for a girl and yet tons of people on here are INTJ and I assume at least some are girls. And I really don’t think there should be an exact personality type more prominent on CC, besides from the more broad generalization of an intellectually focused personality type.</p>


<p>Apparently, I’m one of the rarest types. Even here.</p>

<p>Umm. How do y’all know?</p>

<p>It seems to me that if a list comprises of Socrates, Voltaire, Wilde, Machiavelli, Marilyn vos Savant, Churchill and Stephen Fry (among others), that personality type wins. But I’m an ENTP, so it’s impossible for me to be objective.</p>

<p>i usually get intp, but i got intj once so i’m not sure. let’s just go with INTP.</p>

<p>^^ As much as I love Wilde, I still love my list more. Checking the list that includes only contemporary celebrities reassures me of this (Morrissey, Thom Yorke, Björk, Tori Amos…).</p>

<p>Ha, it’s so funny that there are so many NT rationals here! I’m an INTP with a very week P, so sometimes I have been typed INTJ.</p>

<p>INFJ! 10 char</p>

<p>INTJ. :slight_smile: Fits pretty well. But oh, that list of celebrity INTJs hurts. Coulter, Rand, Cheney, AND Nixon? Good God.</p>

<p>@jonnathan Google “Myer-Briggs personality test”</p>



<p>All you INFJs…</p>

<p>we have Hitler and Bin Laden.</p>


<p>INTJs got Isaac Newton–who was called one of the greatest men who ever lived by Thomas Jefferson.</p>

<p>Oh, by the way, we also have Thomas Jefferson. lol</p>

<p>I am an ISFJ :)</p>

We also got Plato, Thomas Jefferson, Dante, Gandhi, Marilyn Manson, Leonard Cohen (writer of Hallelujah), Rooney Mara, Josh Radnor (HIMYM), Adam Sandler, Bob Dylan, Jerry Seinfeld, Lady Gaga, Martin Luther King, Mel Gibson, Oprah, Nelson Mandela, Russell Brand, Nicole Kidman, and me!</p>

<p>Uhm…TomJef is INTJ, baby…</p>


<p>Well, if Thom Yorke is included, I honestly wouldn’t blame you. He’s an innovator, to say the least.</p>

<p>ENTPs Cont.:</p>

<p>Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Ben Franklin, Walt Disney, John Adams, John Stuart Mill, L. Ron Hubbard (haha), Denis Diderot, Chuck Palahniuk, Diablo Cody, Bill Hicks, Bill Maher, Sacha Baron Cohen, John Malkovich, Douglas Adams, Mozart, Francis Ford Coppolla, Steve Jobs.</p>

<p>Pretty ballin’</p>