What is your political ideology?



<p>Of course. But the point is that some things I think are wrong, I also think should not be prevented. As an example, I think if a person is rich that person has an obligation to help others. But I also believe that it’s no human’s job to hold them to that obligation.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -7.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.95</p>

<p>"The questions are SO biased it’s lost any objectivity at all.</p>

<p>Seriously guys… Which one you guys are the ones who said they wanted corporations to run the world, supports things you consider to be wrong (which in itself is a contradiction), and decided that you wanted to be friends of everyone Al Qaeda rejected?</p>

<p>The 2nd question isn’t even meaningful. It’s just gibberish. If you consider something to be wrong then you inherently don’t support it. It’s impossible to agree with that statement."</p>

<p>Okay, well, Al Qada started because we were doing exactly that. We gave weapons to the revolutionaries in Afghanistan against communist USSR, which at the time was our hated enemy. Afghanistan’s rebels were their enemies, thus we supported them. So seriously, it’s ludicrous, but happens all the time.</p>

<p>Economic-Left .5
Social Libertarian 2.00</p>

<p>That was a weird test. Half the answers I put I didn’t agree with completely. I’m much more to the right economically and much more to the left socially–but half the economic questions were social and a quarter of the social questions were weird. Also they equated “religious” with “socially right.” ***?</p>



<p>Sorry, I don’t remember this- could you elaborate?</p>

<p>^ The question “it is important that my child’s school instills religious values” [paraphrased] comes to mind.</p>

<p>^Ah, thanks. And yes, that would VERY clearly be a conservative POV.</p>

<p>^ Indeed it is, it’s a conservative POV but calling it an “authortarian” POV may be going a bit far…</p>

<p>^ Not at all. The libertarian viewpoint would be to leave that to the family. The authoritarian viewpoint would be the school making the decision to instill values into the children.</p>

<p>^ Of course, I’m such a tard for not seeing that…</p>

<p>^ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you if I did :frowning: [I hate internet lack-of-tone]</p>

<p>Of course this test was stupid.</p>

<p>But ultimately, I think it’s pretty accurate – I’m essentially a monarchist, so being in the authoritarian region would be correct, although I’m surprised I wasn’t more extreme.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -2.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.62</p>

<p>… Meh, I thought I would be little more towards the right economically but whatever. I guess it’s somewhat accurate. I did want to put neutral on quite a few questions, though.</p>

<p>This is a really biased test…</p>

<p>As usual, I test almost dead centrist with a socially liberal slant (I’ve done this before, I am mad centrist) Came off as more libertarian than I thought I would though, because I answered a lot of stuff as authoritarian.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -1.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.23</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.72</p>


<p>I’m not offended lol, just rather surprised (as I am as of fairly recently a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party) that I missed such an obvious thing.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -5.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.38</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: 1.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.62</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -1.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00</p>