<p>I just don't really know what <em>level</em> to be looking for, like should I just be looking for non-selective in-state colleges or what? I'm a rising senior, btw. Stats:</p>
<p>~ 3.3-ish weighted GPA <--grades during junior year were atrocious, B's mixed with D's and even one F (didn't fail the class, just one quarter); during the last quarter I got all A's and B's though, with one C
~ SAT score 1920 <--took it once during junior year, intending to take it again in Oct; scores were 670 for writing, 670 for reading, 580 for math (pathetic, I know)
~ extracurriculars: Envirothon for three years (a year-long, five-person team that competes in a national contest of environmental science knowledge; our team is so-so)</p>
<p>Any guidance whatsoever is helpful to me...</p>
<p>Sorry here’s some more info:
~ all APs and honors classes (except where not offered, as in one-level classes)
~ I’m pretty sure I can get a solid recommendation from my physics teacher; I <em>hope</em>, anyway; definitely a good one from my AP Eng teacher.
~ AP scores:
Euro Hist: 2
Envi Sci:3
Eng Lang/Comp: 5
~ SOL scores (state exam)
US Hist:486/600
~ Financially…I’m broke. $2000 college fund. I’m not worried about finance, I can always get loans.</p>
<p>Let’s see…I’m also technically in NHS, but just because they forgot to kick me out for all those bad grades in junior year.
I want to be a physicist. I’m sometimes intuitively brilliant in math, other times I have trouble with concepts. Physics class itself was a dream for me, I just <em>understood</em> it; I’m taking AP Phys next year. I’m thinking of double-majoring with an English degree. I’m also thinking of transferring to a better college after a year…
I’ve had a lot of trouble with languages. I took Spanish I and II, hated them switched to Latin I. When that didn’t work out, I took German I junior year. I hate German just as much, but I’m taking German II senior year.</p>
<p>Reach school: BU
Target: (all in-state) Randolph, Randolph-Macon, Bridgewater, VCU, ODU
Safety: I think the only place that’s safer than those things is a community college. :P</p>
<p>Oh, and I’m a boring white person with no interesting background whatsoever.</p>
<p>If finances are an issue, perhaps look more within Virginia. </p>
<p>JMU? UMW? If you are interested in science, and are applying to BU (reach), why not reach for VT as well? It’s WAY less expensive…</p>
<p>Since excel at math, consider taking at least AB Calc along with the physics next year if you haven’t already. Most everyone have areas of improvement - be sure to let your strenghs shine
<p>good luck!</p>
<p>captainpiper I think you did a good job of figuring out the level of school you should apply to. Take the SAT again and please take the ACT (some people just naturally do better on that test, and most schools will accept the higher of your SAT / ACT scores).</p>