What kind of computer do you have?

Voodoo M:355
Pentium M 1.5 ghz with 1 meg cache
512 RAM
Radeon mobility 9000 64 meg card
40 gig hard drive 4200 rpms i think
A/B wifi
CD writer/DVD reader i forget the speeds</p>

<p>15" Powerbook</p>

<p>1.67GHz PowerPC G4
80GB Hard Drive
ATI Mobility Radeon
9700 (128 MB DDR)</p>

<p>um...wow. haha. my desktop and laptop are like, inferior. I love my laptop though, even if the battery life sucks.</p>

<p>Anyway, the one in the living room (desktop) is a Hewlitt Packard from '98, with Windows 98. haha. No burner on it. No cool stuff whatsoever really. Slow too. Drives me crazy whenever I have to use it.</p>

<p>My laptop is a (reading off the labels)
Compaq Presario R3000
Windows XP Prof.
Pentium 4 2.8GHz
54g 802.11b/g WLAN w/ 125HSM/Speedbooster
ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 IGP</p>

<p>And no, I have no idea what an of that means. I got it for Christmas, and I do not care if it's not like, kickassingly awesome. I love my baby. :)</p>

<p>But to take it or not to take it to Germany - that is the question (which must be decided tonight).</p>

<p>yea...mine just says IBM lol :)</p>

<p>iMac G5 1.8Ghz (With internal Bluetooth and 802.11g wireless)
1.25 GB RAM
250 GB HD
DVD Burner
Mac OS X Tiger (Pwns XP)
...And the worst non-integrated graphics card that apple could find :( That's what the PC is for lol.</p>

<p>like I said, it's really my dad's computer and he figured he could upgrade later. I mean, the video card isn't aweful... it's still costs about $300-350 and really generates no lag.</p>


<p>MAC OS X </p>

<p>:] More information? >/ Go to mac.com. oo;;; [is bad about computers] ><;;; Forgive me.</p>

<p>hmmmm.. some might say that I need to upgrade:</p>

<p>eMachines eTower 466i</p>

<p>Intel Celeron 466Mhz Processor
256MB of RAM (upgraded it 2 years ago from a measly 64MB)
6GB Maxtor Hard-Drive
ATI Rage Pro Turbo 2x (4MB)
Windows 98 v4.10</p>

<p>I've had this computer for 5 years now.</p>

2.4 GHZ P4
512 RAM
200 g 7200 rpm hd
2nd 40 g 7200 rpm hd
maddog geforce video card
windows xp pro</p>

<p>want to get a dvd writer and a larger hard drive</p>

<p>SNEAKiiE: <a href="http://www.apple.com/switch%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.apple.com/switch&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Desktop (aka my awesome PC) :) :
Built by me
AMD Athlon 64 3000+
512 MB RAM
200 GB 7200 rpm HD
NVIDIA GeForce 5600 vid card w/ 256MB VRAM
TV/radio card
Win Xp Pro
17" Samsung CRT display</p>

<p>Laptop (aka the dreadful thing I'll be stuck w/ in college) :( :
Sony Vaio PCG-FXA47 (got it in early '02)
AMD Athlon 4 1.0 Ghz
256 MB RAM (soon to be 512, once I get time to do it)
20 GB HD
ATI RAGE vid card w/ 8MB VRAM
Win Xp Home
14.1" LCD</p>

Intel Celeron 466Mhz Processor
256MB of RAM (upgraded it 2 years ago from a measly 64MB)
6GB Maxtor Hard-Drive
ATI Rage Pro Turbo 2x (4MB)
Windows 98 v4.10


<p>o.O How do you live with that thing?! That computer reminds me of my computer back when I was in second grade!</p>

<p>Thanks thisyearsgirl! >D Hehehehe!</p>

<p>im abou tto get a laptop from ibuypower.com with 256Mb video and a anthlon64 processor as soon as the combo is available ... soon hopefully</p>