What kind of credit will I get?

<p>So I'm looking at the GE requirements for UW Madison, and to the best of my understanding this is it:
4-6 Credits of Science (1 lab class or two non lab classes
6 of Humanity/ Lit / Art
3 of Social Studies
Comunications A 3
Comunications B depends on your major
3 of Ethnic Studies
and 3-6 Math Credits depending on your major.</p>

<p>From High school I have:
AP European History 4 (History 119 and 120) (6 Credits)
AP US History 4 (History 101 and 102) (6 Credits)
AP Psychology 4 (Psychology 202) (3 Credits)
AP Language 3 (English Elective Credit) (3 Credits)</p>

<p>And I am taking and expecting:
AP Government 4-5 (Poli Sci 101) (4 Credits) (Poli Sci is my major)
AP Physics 4-5 (Physics 201) (5 Credits)
AP Lit 2-3 (More English Elective, if I pass)</p>

<p>So after all this, what classes do I need to take for the GE requirement? (pending my scores) </p>

<p>PS sorry if this is not organized at all, but I couldn't think of a better way to lay it out.</p>

<p>They will go throught that at SOAR. Way too complicated to address here.</p>

<p>There are a lot of classes you can take for GE requirements. Don’t feel like you have to take your basic freshman classes. Just look around, take what’s interesting, and your advisors will help you to find out what you really need to take.</p>

<p>Also if you have a lot of AP credit you may get through so much that you can really just take electives freshman year, especially since some classes aren’t open to freshmen. When I was advised at SOAR the guy was like, well you passed most of the things I’d tell you to take, so just take some classes that you want to take.</p>

<p>Don’t forget to look at derpartments you may not be familiar with. Linguistics10/301 is crosslisted with Anthropology 101/301, for example. Many different ways to meet social science and humanities requirements. Literature in Translation, not just English Lit… Have fun exploring the options before SOAR.</p>