What Kind of Financial Aid is Harvard Giving?

<p>Can we list the need based aid Harvard is giving? Are you disappointed or not? Thanks.</p>

<p>I got $51,650.</p>

<p>unless you make more than 200k, you should not be dissapointed. <60k = free. 120-180k = 12k-18k EFC. </p>

<p>Its really good fin aid imo. Too bad i am on waitlist. Penn is charging me 35k+.</p>

<p>The aid is mad good yo...I doubt MIT would have given me even half as much >_></p>

<p>Just for reference, my aid package covered all but a smidgen over 10% of my family's income.</p>

<p>Hi Jen98, If you don't mind me asking: Was it 10% of gross income or AGI?</p>


<p>I... actually can't be absolutely sure which they used for their calculations, but my parent's expected contribution (excluding the student portion) came out closer to 10% of their unadjusted income. Just for reference, we don't have significant assets (besides our home, which isn't figured in), and my income is pretty much negligible.</p>

<p>Best. Finaid. Ever. That is all. :3</p>

<p>When they calculate what parents pay and then provide the rest, does that include the non-billable costs (as in, total Cost of Attendance) or only the Billed costs? (as in, leaving another 5 thousand up to the family?)</p>

<p>"What kind of Financial Aid is Harvard Giving?"</p>

<p>The best kind. The kind with lots of money in it.</p>



<p>Difficult to say "no" to.</p>

<p>Bringing with it, a sigh of relief.</p>

<p>did not qualify for financial aid :( , income ~180k</p>

<p>mz innocentz,</p>

<p>I take it that the ~180k was AGI? You know that you can file an appeal and ask for reconsideration if there are special circumstances in your case?</p>

<p>Also did not qualify for any fin aid. Just outside realm and with airfare/fuel costs it will be a burden as we are in TX so driving is not an option.</p>

<p>hi i am an international student i think i will come under the need based scholarship…do u think i will get scholarship??and if it is will it cover whole college fee??</p>