<p>Of course. I’d say most people are closed-minded though, liberal or conservative. There are some ideas you really just can’t dignify even with acknowledgement nowadays, though. </p>
<p>Perhaps because those issues are (or, rather, should be) generally cut and dry whereas fiscal policy usually isn’t. I lean left on social issues and fiscal policy and right on foreign policy, but overall I wouldn’t identify myself as being of the liberal camp. The only thing I believe in is, essentially, whatever works.</p>
<p>Well, that tells me that a) beliefs change and b) it’s hard to be a conservative in a humanities class at most colleges. Most of my friends are generally liberal but not expressly so, except maybe one. I’d say I’m a centrist. I’m willing to say socialism might work provided that technology is someday advanced enough to provide for most or even all, but I would still say that the free market is necessary for growth and survival. </p>
<p>I’m not sure if I’d take the class, but if I did I would consistently adhere to moral relativism rather than advance a distinctly left or right opinion. Yeah, it does seem like a class that’d be prone to being politicized. I guess, though, that it couldn’t really hurt to write a conservative argument given MIT’s Pass/No Record policy. I don’t know how or why one would deliberately penalize somebody else for a different position, though.</p>
<p>Oh, wow. From what you’re telling me I guess the professor kinda realized what was going on and took some prudent restraint while grading your final. You didn’t submit a complaint, but if I were the professor or TA, I’d figure there’s no reason to make a difference of opinion a big thing and just drop it. </p>
<p>By all means, people should definitely do that. I’m not a conservative by any means but even now I’m still a bit uneasy about politically-charged classes now considering how grades may as well depend on the faculty’s political views. </p>
<p>From what I’ve read I’d definitely say so. Then again, most people I know usually are. Even those who don’t have the courtesy to keep their contempt strictly private.</p>