What Kind of Schools Do You Attend?

<p>I go to a Public school, albeit an extremely wealthy one, where it is more than clear that I'm a minority. Of the 314 people in my grade, I'm one of about 10 black students :(. Out of those 10 black students, I'm the only one who is taking advanced courses.</p>

<p>My school is an uncompetitive public with about 55% black, 35% white, 10% Asian. Our school isn't wealthy we are middle to upper middle class. There are 3 black people in the top 10% the ranks are: 13 (me), 28, and 43.</p>

<p>i go to a private, catholic, all-girl's school that is extremely wealthy and prestigious in my city. i am one of 8 black girls in my grade of at least 185 people. i'm the only black girl that is in advanced courses and i would guess that i'm the only one in the top 10% (but my school doesn't rank).</p>

<p>i go to huge public school with over 3k students.
so it's relatively diverse just because the sheer amount of people there.</p>

<p>still though, in my class of over 700 kids...i have only had two other black people in my honors classes. and none in any of my AP classes.</p>

<p>ugh...just thinking about my school makes me shudder.</p>

<p>I go to an uncompetitive public school. Because of low standardized test scores, my school is considered failing (or atleast borderline); so a reform program (America's Choice) has been implemented which basically watered down the curriculum and the rigor of the classes (if there ever was such a thing) even more. Um, I think it's 95% black, 40% go to a 4yr college, something like 70% graduate, and the average SAT score is 1160 for all three sections. Oh, and I think the average ACT is 14 or 15. </p>


<p>It seems that all all our high schools there are few minorities among the AP class population. I wonder do most of you have black friends or what? Most of my friends are either white or Asian.</p>

<p>I go to a school that is 50% black and 33% white, the rest are hispanic and asians. I have been taking all honors/ap classes since freshman year. I see a few black females in my class but most of the time, Im usually one of only two black males in my classes or sometimes the only one.</p>

<p>I go to a large public high school--about 2500 students. In my school, black students are still the minority, but of the top 10 students in the senior class, at least 6 (including me) are black.</p>

<p>Zobasity, it seems that in all the AP classes there are more girls than boys for every race. In my AP Eng. Lit class, there are only 7 boys out of like 20 and there is only one black boy (me :))!</p>

I go to a large public high school--about 2500 students. In my school, black students are still the minority, but of the top 10 students in the senior class, at least 6 (including me) are black.


wow, that's great.</p>

<p>i go to a public of ~1500 students in a pretty good school system. it's about 20% black. in a class of about 350, i'm the only black kid in the top 10% (weighted). our school has a decent number of ambitious black females, but out of black males there are only 3 in my class who have ever taken an AP class, including myself. and i think i pretty much have more APs than those other two combined.</p>

<p>My school is about 1500 kids and 50% black but there are only 1 or 2 black kids beside myself who are in AP classes.</p>

<p>I go to a prep school, rated top in my state, and it has 800 students. It's 90% white, probably 7% black, 2% asian, .5% hispanic, and .5% unidentified race. I really don't like it that much. I'm applying mostly to hbcu's for college(hampton, howard, spelman, and maybe fisk).</p>

<p>I go to two schools but at my home school there is a sizable minority population, about 50% minority, with black, asian, and latino split evenly, with 75% of the total population being poor. At the public magnet school, you have to have above 90 or 95% composite score on the ITBS which is not difficult if you are unfamiliar. At Central, in the senior class there is NO black boys and either 5 or 6 black girls. There are maybe 15 to 20 Asians (southeast asian included), NO latino boys, and one latina. All the classes at Central are AP junior and senior year, Honors in 7-10th. Those stats are terrible considering the number of minority students in the Des Moines Public School district.</p>

<p>Go to a competive suburban mostly all white public with ~ 2500 students with about ~ 550 in the sophomore class. There's < 20 black kids, and there's only 2 or 3 of us taking advanced courses, but out of us three I take the most [ they might being taking 1 or 2]. I feel like the black population at my school is so dumbed down :[ it makes me upset.</p>

Those stats are terrible considering the number of minority students in the Des Moines Public School district.


<p>Umm. Iowa is like 90% + white, right?</p>

<p>I go to a super competitive private school in Manhattan. There are like 10 black kids in my grade including me (there are 100 kids in my grade total). My school is predominantly Jewish (like 75% of the kids) so I am in the double minority. I actually happen to have an extremely diverse group of friends however. Some are white, two are Chinese, one is Indian and one is Hispanic. Oddly enough I don't have any really really close black friends in school but I definitely am friends with all the black kids in my grade. Most of the black kids in my grade are pretty smart just because my school is so competitive yet I was only one of three other black kids in my grade to get National Achievement.</p>

<p>How is the Hillel group at your school? There are not a whole lot of jews at my school, but there certainly are present in the Houston area. In fact our val is a half Asian/half jew, and I constanly mock him by saying that he is genetically cheating :)!</p>

<p>@LadyT, I never considered a HBCU I doubt I would fit in with a whole lot of black people. But also there are more people who go to HBCUs that come from disadvantaged backgrounds and there is a WIDE disparity in culture between affulent and improvished people. So are you sure you would fit in at a HBCU?</p>

<p>duke, </p>

<p>Des Moines Public Schools is pretty colorful though, as I said, my school is literally half minority students (East), and the minority enrollment in DMPS is almost 40%, and over 40 languages are spoken in DMPS with a little over 10% having a language other English being their native language. on a different note, Des Moines students are also po' with over half of all students in DMPS are on free or reduced lunch. Yeah, Iowa is mainly white but Des Moines is rapidly becoming more and more diverse.</p>

<p>Dbate, I like you. You are obviously so intelligent, but you remind me of my daughter with the no shades of gray.<smile></smile></p>

<p>The assumption that "there is a WIDE disparity in culture between affulent and improvished people" at HBCUs is a bit off.</p>

<p>What we have found that, especially at Spelman, Howard and Hampton, are high achieving Black students, who have been in the minority at their high schools and are looking for a change. They are tired of being the spokes-person of the race. They are looking for a cultural connection or re-connection. They want to be around other like themselves.</p>

<p>My daughter has met more people like herself at Howard..high achievers, middle-class, private school education and <drum-roll> were in the minority in their high schools. There is no WIDE disparity in culture.</drum-roll></p>

<p>from DiverseEducation.com</p>

<p>"Atlanta’s Spelman College, an all-female liberal arts college with a student body of about 2,200, sent 150 Black students on to Ph.D. degrees in the traditionally male disciplines of science and engineering from 1997 to 2006, according to a survey released by the National Science Foundation. That’s more than any other undergraduate program in the country besides the considerably larger, coed Howard University. Howard, which has about 7,000 undergraduates, sent 224 on to advanced degrees." </p>

<p>What I want to say is don't knock the HBCUs, even if you aren't interested. And as a debater, make sure you don't go on assumptions.</p>


<p>We don't have a Hillel group at my school. I think that there are so many Jews that there really isn't a need of one. There is a Christian Awareness group as well as two clubs for students of color because those students are in the minority. Surprisingly we have quite a few half Asian, half Jewish students at my school. Actually, one of my best friends is. It's quite interesting actually!</p>