What Kind of Schools Do You Attend?

<p>my school is in the suburbs of detroit, southfield.
92% black, 7% white, >1% everything else.
if you are not black you ARE the minority lol</p>

<p>our school is not competitive AT ALL, and is going down the tubes. our avg. gpa is a 1.7..!!
avg. act is 18 i believe. I'm a junior and can't wait to leave. this is surprising to me because it is a middle class school.
nobody cares there lol.</p>

<p>Southfield Lathrup or Southfield High?</p>

<p>Back in the day ( way back ) they were really good schools.</p>

Southfield Lathrup or Southfield High?</p>

<p>Back in the day ( way back ) they were really good schools.


<p>Lathrup, how did you figure?
I have two cousins who graduated from lathrup in the past 10 years, and it wasn't as bad as it is now. It's still better than dps though (with the exception of Cass and Renaissance).</p>

<p>and yeah, before they didn't have open admission and you had to be a resident of Southfield. I am glad I graduate when I do, because I couldn't stand being there much longer. lol</p>

<p>lol When I say back in the day, I mean BACK in the day. Like when I was in high school. My kid is in college now, so you can understand when I say way back : )</p>

<p>And yes, DPS is horrible. I live in Detroit. My kid never, ever attended DPS. She attended a private high school in Oakland county. The commute was rough, but worth it!</p>

<p>The school I go to now is predominately African Americans which was a big change from a school that was predominately white and only few blacks but a good amount of Asians brought in somewhat of a diversity. The new school isn't diverse really but whatever it's my last year and I'm just ready for college.</p>

<p>My school is a competitive, nationally ranked (we're in the 30s this year) public with a slight white majority, a large number of blacks, a few Asians, and, unfortunately, no Hispanics. The main imbalance is gender. There are waaaay too many girls. But there's also a definite racial imbalance in advanced classes. I see about 7 other AA and African kids in my classes, and there are 350 people in my grade, nearly half of them black. People don't have friends of other races generally (I do). But for the most part it's okay.</p>

<p>My school has about 1,400 students mainly composed of :80% African American, 17% Caucasian, & the other 3% are Latinos and foreign exchange students. We are amongst the only IB schools in the state and there are about two more. We have a very high graduation rate, but it could be better. Sadly sometimes our school cares more about athletics than academics, which I can't understand because we've only won one game during the whole football season. We have great teachers especially our AP and IB, but we seem to have couple of teachers who don't really care about teaching all that much. Trust me it's a great school, but sometimes our local news gives us a bad rep. that we do not deserve. Our teen pregnancy rate is OUT OF CONTROL I think we're ranked number #2 in the state and the school has done nothing to try to prevent this. Our school problems are not all to be blamed on the teachers and administrators, students and parents play a great role also. Our community and city needs to put more effort into school programs so that our school can move forward and become one of the best in the state.</p>

<p>So I am not alone!!! O my gosh, as I read over your posts I could not help smiling. These are my sentiments and experiences exactly. I go to a public school of about 3000 kids and were pretty mixed in terms of race. We have the highest percentage of African Americans and Hispanics in our entire district and this has contributed, statisticly speaking, to our low rank and terrible academic record. I am African Anerican but I have always been the "honorary" black girl in all of my classes (which are honors and AP). Im still a sophmore so I am not sure where I rank in terms of the rest of my class but I know I am the highest ranking African American. It is just so disapointing. All of us generally live in middle class neighbors and for the most part are not struggling yet the majority of the african Americans in my school could careless about being there.</p>

<p>My school is pretty large, about 75% white in the affluent section of northern VA. Pretty much down the street from Senator's Row since were like 10 minutes outside of DC. It's extremely competitive. Right now there is a tie for number 1 in the class between a 4.95 and 4.91</p>

<p>So I'm up a creek lol</p>

<p>Public School, suburban, around 2400 students total
around 50 black students in my grade.
I havent been in the same core class as another black person since 7th grade (i take honors/APs)
most people are solid middle class</p>

<p>sometimes i forget i'm "black" cuz im surrounded by whites and asians all the time. i guess you could say im an oreo.</p>

<p>I went to two public schools and its about to be three. I went to an ok public school then a good public school and I’m about to go to North Carolina School of Science and Math.:)</p>

<p>^^ I’ve always been to a majority white school but not particularly affluent.</p>

<p>my graduating class had 168 kids. i’m not sure how many black. not alot but not too few. i’m one of three that takes advanced courses. </p>

<p>my town is so small that all classes mix, so the WASPy rich kids go to the same school as everyone else.</p>



<p>from that description, we may go to the same school XP</p>

<p>Hmm…I go to a public school a half an hour away from my house, BUT it has the IB program. Our school is 73.9% Mexican, 9.8% White, 8.7% Black, 5.4% Indian (not from India), 2.4% Asian. As far as IB goes, we had 1 black senior graduating (girl). I’m the only black in our 2010 class, but my two friends are still in the program, they’re from Africa (I always differentiated African from African-American).</p>

<p>Eating food, same feeling for me. My school is like 98% white- 2% other. ( No Lie). this other encompasses all the asians/ hispanics/blacks. There are two-maybe three black kids in my class of 281. I am the only black kid in all my advanced classes. Gets really funny sometimes. Like when we were reading To kill A Mockingbird. My english teacher was like ," don’t use the n word- but if you do we understand its all in the context of the book. I was like ummm uncomfortable, but also hilariously funny. </p>

<p>My orchestra teacher declared an all black practice. We usually dress in black concert attire and I raised my hand and was like ,“so, I’m covered right?” I cannot resist a good joke.
She smiled and after class she explained to me that she was so sorry and didn’t mean to offend me or anything. I had to run out so I could fall on the floor cracking up loud guffaws in the hallway !</p>

<p>technical high school. about 5-10% black. less than 15% minority. it is quite obvious too.</p>

<p>i currently live in a suburban, predominantly working class white community where blacks make up like 5 percent of the population. however i moved here my freshman yr and i grew up in a suburban town that was predominantly black. so i guess i’ve gotten the best and worst of both worlds lol.</p>

<p>i really hate where i am now though because although the blacks in my school live in some of the better houses in town, there seems to be a real commitment among most of them to acting bad, not focusing in school, acting like they’re from one of the 5 boroughs of NY(i.e claiming that they grew up in brooklyn or that they hang there every weekend like that cements their coolness or something), and just generally not living up to the true potential that i know they all have. i really wish that they would drop the “acting dumb is cool” mentality because that never works in the long run… it just sucks though because in my grade of 387 people, only 3 of us take at least AP/Honors class of some sort…</p>