What kind of study skills would help someone succeed @ UM?

<p>I'm an incoming freshman majoring in CS. I only took 6 AP classes in high school due to not being offered. I had a 3.7 GPA UW in high school, and I'm worried about how I'll perform in Michigan.</p>

<p>I never procrastinated and got all my work done on time. In high school, I usually only studied for ~1 hour for exams and still got As on most of them. </p>

<p>What study skills would help me succeed here?</p>

<p>ACT or SAT score?</p>

<p>ACT: 30 (felt sick during test)
SAT: 2210</p>

<p>Oh okay lol from what I hear maybe a couple extra hours of studying per night. I was wondering because ill be applying to UofM this fall.</p>

<p>If you want to succeed in classes then . . .</p>


<p>1) You should get close to all homework (probably non-exam points). Instructors will practically give you answers in office hours.
2) Professors usually explain the material a lot better in office hours than in lecture. However, you should try to attend lecture too (it would be awkward if you saw your professor in his/her office but not in class)</p>

<p>1) Go to office hours.
2) Pay close attention in class and take the best notes you can, no slacking.
3) Do homework as soon as it’s assigned to you (or the first opportunity you get).
4) Go to office hours.
5) Begin studying at least three nights before an exam.
6) Try not to study past 3 AM.
7) Get a good night of sleep and eat breakfast if possible.
8) Go to office hours.</p>

<p>These are just good general rules for anyone. It’s difficult to say any specific study habits because everyone has their own things and methods that work best for them. It’s the sort of thing you sort of have to (and will) figure out on your own. It’s all about trial and error.</p>

<p>All I know is that for most exams you will have to study for far longer than one hour collectively. You might be able to get away with that SOMETIMES, but don’t risk it. I barely studied in high school and have found myself studying for at least 6-7 hours total for most exams at UMich. Sometimes more depending on the amount of material or difficulty of the class. Rarely less.</p>

<p>If you are struggling in a class, sometimes it makes sense to attempt the problem set or do the reading BEFORE class so you are just picking up nuances (or you know what part you don’t understand) before getting to class.</p>

<p>Are office hours a one to one or are their other students present with their questions?</p>

<p>“Are office hours a one to one or are their other students present with their questions?”</p>

<p>It depends on the class. A lot of people do NOT go to office hours. As a result, office hours tend to be you, the professor/GSI/TA and a couple other students. As exam time approaches, office hours will usually be more packed.</p>