<p>I can speak Hindi fluently, and i'm not ** too ** bad at french...</p>
<p>Bengali, Hindi and Tamil.</p>
<p>My French is pretty atrocious :(</p>
<p>Vietnamese and some Spanish.</p>
<p>Taking French at school</p>
<p>Spanish (native)
Italian/Portuguese - I can understand and speak but I can't write.</p>
<p>kayfa haluk?</p>
<p>you people make me feel bad. I'm only marginally functional in english, and that's my first language :-(</p>
<p>Farsi, English fluently</p>
<p>My French is very good, but no where near fluent. </p>
<p>I am currently learning Japanese, but I only know the basics of the basics. </p>
<p>Nihongo o amari hanashimasen =(</p>
<p>fluent in english, approaching fluency in french. Can speak elvish (don't laugh!!!!) but not fluently. Have attempted various other languages over the years but none of them have succeeded.</p>
<p>Spanish and French ^_^ It's kinda awful, though - I love plays, music, and poetry, but whenever I try to translate between them and English, it all gets lost :D</p>
<p>spanish baby</p>
<p>English and French. </p>
<p>I can understand Haitian-Creole somewhat fluently... speaking it.. no.</p>
<p>English (native), Spanish, and h4X0Rz 1337 sP34Kz0rz!
(although I've found that through knowing Spanish, I can understand enough of other Romance languages to get around a country if need be). </p>
<p>One guess as to which is the most useful ;)</p>
<p>I don't speak English very well, but it is enough to get me by. lol, not really, it is my first language.</p>
<p>But, German was the first language i took at school. I know spanish very well, i had a spanish teacher straight from spain. woo hoo. My father is egyptian, so i know bits of Arabic, but not enough to communicate with my family.</p>
<p>My language obsessed friend tries to teach me bits of russian, norweigen, and japanese at school, but i always forget what he tells me :D</p>
<p>errrrrrmmmm, and i can read music</p>
<p>Marhab adamo :)</p>
<p>ctrain, I think you know some arabic. At least I think you're saying "how are you". Nice job. ;)</p>
<p>shokran, sarorah. i dont know if you can understand my warped arabic using the english alphabet, but, yeah. haha</p>
<p>lol it's all good. You're welcome or shall I say afwan or even de nada or even no hay de que. :p</p>
<p>English lol...spanish(will be in Spanish 3 next yr) and german (took it in 5th grade while in magnet lol)</p>
<p>... En Espanol! heh</p>
<p>hey, does anyone know what "Que Sera" means? like exact definition?</p>
<p>que sera is usually followed by another sera... que sera, sera means whatever will be will be / whatever happens, happens</p>
<p>English... approaching fluency in spanish... understand some italian..... music.</p>