<p>Hey all, I had a bit of a question. I see a LOT of people saying they took multiple calc courses and got into UCLA, but I'm not very good with math. I took the absolute minimum IGETC transferable course that my college offers (statistics) and even then, I wound up with a B. My intended major is anthropology or sociology, so I don't think I need a ton of math courses, but I don't really like my chances when I see a lot of people saying they aced calculus II with no problems. Do many students that take lower math courses like stats get offered admission? I want to take another math course in the spring, but I'm only eligible to take either college algebra/pre-calc or something called Mathematics for Liberal Arts, so I have no idea if having slightly more math would help or not. Thanks for any help.</p>
<p>You’re fine. Stats is enough for GE purposes and is the most important math class for your major.</p>
<p>People who take calculus classes do so because it’s necessary for their major and usually not for GE purposes. </p>
<p>Hi Cayton. If you don’t mind me asking, what math did you take? If you don’t want to answer, that’s fine If you do want to answer and happened to take something like calc, that’s fine too; break it to me
If anyone else replies, it’d be awesome to know what math you guys took as well just so I can get an idea if anyone else just took stats and got in :)</p>
<p>I just transferred to ucla as a Sociology major. I only took college algebra and Stats. I only needed Stats, but I couldn’t get into Stats in time to TAG UC irvine, so I had to take Algebra for that reason. You don’t need Calc or even Pre-Calc.</p>
<p>@zettasyntax </p>
<p>I took a finite math course. It was quite a bit easier than statistics, but still transferable.</p>
<p>I believe Sociology is an impacted major, so I understand your angst. They are not trying to make things harder for you, they just want to be sure you are prepared to succeed. If you have met the requirements, you are fine.</p>