What major did your son or daughter choose?

<p>D is a Management Science & Engineering major with a focus on Organizations, Technology and Entrepreneureship. She is a junior and this is the perfect major for her A type personality.</p>

<p>My DD chose “undecided” - she loves it. :)</p>

<p>My son chose to study accounting and finance. This was his decision. I wish he will be successful in whatever he does.</p>

<p>My S is a sophomore and has thus far stuck with his original plan to double major in economics and political science. I think it somewhat likely that he will decide to drop econ from a major to a minor, and pick up a legal studies minor.</p>

<p>D1 and only: BM vocal performance MM vocal performance. She has been a self proclaimed musician since the age of 7. Like a lot of musicians, the music major never seemed like a “choice” as much as a reality. As a kid grew up practicing no less than 2-4 hours a day and our only challenge was to keep her away from her instruments to find time to do homework.
Since her MM she has been making an excellent living from music alone, as a fully booked performer and teacher.</p>

<p>D1-physics–loved her AP physics class and teacher. She became a software design engineer by default but will be moving on to the “next thing” in the fall (not sure what she’ll be when she grows up).</p>

<p>D2-neuroscience–has had neuroscience on her brain since high school, but we’re not sure why. She’ll probably go to grad school</p>