What makes Dartmouth unique?

<p>What makes Dartmouth unique from the other liberal artsy Ivies (Brown, Princeton) and even the top liberal arts schools? </p>

<p>Also, how is the financial aid and student body(friendly,drunk,preppy,etc)?</p>

<p>What is the campus atmosphere/social scene like?</p>


<p>I can't really name to you another school that so embraces its proximity to the great outdoors so effectively. It's truly amazing. Just last weekend, I went hiking in Franconia Notch, which is probably my favorite part of New Hampshire. Trips are always going out. You can always find something to do outside if you want to. </p>

<p>Other than that, the D-plan allows for great flexibility in your course of study and allows for magnificent study abroad opportunities. Dartmouth regularly runs term-abroad trips to France, Italy, the UK, Japan, China, New Zealand, etc. The hardest part is finding out which one you want to do most! But you can always go more than once as well.</p>