<p>I've been having a lot of trouble lately writing the 'why GW' supplement. I want to go there for all the cliche reasons: great area, great reputation, great academics, great internship opportunities, great study abroad opportunities. I doubt an admission officer wants to hear that again!</p>
<p>What fun facts have you found out about GW that have made you want to go there? What is strange or interesting?</p>
<p>What someone else finds unique or appealing (or appalling) about GW (or any other school) is going to sound less than authentic coming from you. What was it that attracted you to the school in the first place? Make a list, rank order it, then go with that and don’t worry about cliches.</p>
<p>You need to research GW more thoroughly. Go to their websites/blogs. I’m not going to tell you what I found interesting about GW because it’s my unique experience and you’re going to copy it onto your essay.</p>