What makes YOUR application unique? (Your niche)

<p>I am part of a nationally ranked athletic team.</p>

<p>We all know that it is imperative for your application to stand out amongst all the thousands of others an admission officer reads through.
The admissions officers will see hundreds of the typical Jane Smith, Honors Student, Soup Kitchen volunteer, flautist in the marching band, who “just loves [insert college name here] so much!”</p>

<p>So come on, what’s your niche that separates you from typical Jane in your quest for your top, reach school? What aspect of your application will make you look different and stand out when the admissions officer reads your app?</p>

<p>My essay is pretty bangin, if I may say so myself. Hopefully it’ll be a breath of fresh air for the ad com after they read a whole bunch of essays filled with bs and exaggeration.</p>

<p>EVERYTHING I do is tied to the environment.
My essay
every EC
My major
and my job
And I believe I’ve done some pretty impressive things that tie to it.</p>

<p>I wrote one of my essays about how I lost 100 lbs.
I am a big time actor
I am recruited athlete (wrestling)</p>

<p>I wrote one of my essays about how I lost 100 lbs.
I am a big time actor
I am recruited athlete (wrestling)</p>

<p>i run a multimillion dollar business at age 17</p>


<p>i suck.</p>

<p>i’m asian… oh wait.</p>

<p>i have a life.</p>

<p>(haha jk, ya’ll are very successful kids)</p>

<p>I wrote about why I hate community service.</p>

<p>…not really. I’m into pen spinning and table tennis.</p>

<p>US national ping pong champion</p>

<p>“I am part of a nationally ranked athletic team.” ACE
“My essay is pretty bangin, if I may say so myself.” EH MAYBE I GUESS
“I am a big time actor” ACE (Although I doubt your like Broadway/National big time I feel like you mean more like you act in some plays in which case EHH)
“I am recruited athlete (wrestling)” DECE (Better than some sports, not as good as others)
“i run a multimillion dollar business at age 17” WIN!!! GTFINTO HARVARD!
you’llsee, JteH, a2npersuas2n: I am genuinely sorry for all of you.
“…not really. I’m into pen spinning and table tennis.” HUH?
“US national ping pong champion” NOT BAD</p>

<p>Can anyone beat the multimillionaire businessman? OK fine he’s kidding and I feel like most people in this thread are but if you keep them coming, and my procrastination towards my homework continues unbridled, then I will probably continue to half-assedly rate your niches in a pseudo-witty manner.</p>

<p>I am asian, I like to do math, science, SAT, ACT, testing, it is fun. I like anime, doing math, studying for school, tests, classes, getting A’s, getting 100% on everything, highest score in class, teacher’s pet, I love it. I like pen spinning, anime, naruto, tennis, ping pong, chopsticks, wonton soup, and drawing.</p>

<p>I caught Osama. The CIA won’t tell anybody, but they agreed to notify my colleges.</p>

<p>Internship with the AFL-CIO and experience in personally working with some of the largest union heads in the NY Metro area (im applying to ILR lol).</p>

<p>basically if i’m not in school or asleep, i’m doing something theatre-related. i’ve worked in almost every aspect and dedicated a <em>lot</em> of time to it all. </p>

<p>not exceptional, but eh (:</p>

<p>I met this one kid who was homeless most of his life and still did stellar in everything. His essay was beautiful. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. </p>

<p>But me? Absolutely nothing. Wah wah I’m so poor. Wah I’m an oppressed minority. NEXT. lol.</p>

<p>definitely not my name…there is another guy in my same grade with my same name

<p>Instead of spending my summer at some enriching study abroad or college program (family couldn’t afford one) I did hard manual labor and lived in a tent for a month. :smiley: I can also swing a Pulaski and other tools. Probably not THAT unique. It’s a big world out there, there are probably applicants out there with similar experiences.</p>