What materials are essential for Chem 3A (Orgo)?

<p>i already have the Textbook + Solution Manual.</p>

<p>the Cal bookstore recommends a lot of other materials though, like the Molecular Model kit, ChemPortal access, periodic table Chart, etc.</p>

<p>which of these recommended materials is actually essential? thanks!</p>

<p>Molecular kit is very useful in 3A, not so much in 3B. The other stuff isn’t necessary at all. ChemPortal access is basically the ebook version with nothing else (the extra stuff doesn’t even work). Periodic table is in the book so you don’t really need it.</p>

<p>So, is it not worth it to get ChemPortal then? I also already have the textbook and don’t want to waste another $70 on something that I probably won’t use.</p>