What math class should I take?

I am currently a sophomore in high school picking classes for my junior year. As a freshman I took algebra 1 and I am currently in geometry. I am trying to decide on if I should take Algebra 2/trig or IB math sl. I want to get a good understanding of Algebra 2 and I am not sure if I will get that out of IB math sl. What should I take?

Talk to the teachers. A2/trig is required. before SL at our school.

Are you even allowed to take IB math SL after algebra1+ Geometry? IB Math SL presupposes algebra2 AFAIK.
IB Math studies doesn’t - is that the class you’ve been recommended for?
What is your goal with algebra2? Do you have an idea of what field you want to get into? Will it require calculus (in college)?
Unless you’re talking about the new Math applications SL, in which case you’ll get basic algebra2 topics similar to a non honors algebra2 class, plus into to statistics and other math applications. But I thought it wouldn’t start till fall 2019?

I plan on majoring in computer science I was told if I take ib math it will cover all the rest of the topics I need for high school but I don’t trust what they’re saying. I’m going to talk more with my teachers and counselor.

Yes, IB Math SL covers everything you need BUT its pre-requisite is algebra2, which our need to take over the summer.
Math STUDIES SL would NOT be a sufficient pre-req for a future CS major.
You could simply take algebra2 H next year and precalculus senior year?

Yes I could that’s what I’m thinking about doing but I want to take the highest level class possible BUT still get the proper information I need for my future in whatever class I decide to take