What minor to decide on?

<p>Hi all,
I'm a journalism major with a focus on broadcast and integrated marketing communications.</p>

<p>I've had a few minors in mind but never declared. I want to know which one I should continue taking classes in.</p>

<li>Chinese - I currently speak only but the classes will help me speak it in a business setting and also read/write</li>
<li>Marriage and Family Therapy - took one class as an elective and it was surprisingly interesting</li>
<li>Secondary Education - if all else fails, I can become a teacher?!</li>

<p>TIA for the help :)</p>

<p>Which do you like the best? If they’re all tied for your liking, then go with secondary education, teaching is something you can always do.</p>

<p>Chinese will help with your marketing aspirations. Many jobs like to look at you world language experience.</p>

<p>If you can do multiple minors, Chinese and Secondary Education are the best from your list. Marriage and Family Therapy sounds useless for anything.
Chinese will be easier if you can already speak it and will open up opportunities internationally for you.
Secondary Education, if you like it, do it. You could even tie it in with Chinese and be a Chinese teacher. Or even with your background in journalism, teach English abroad for a bit if you wanted.</p>