What more do I need to do?

<p>I'm a sophomore in high school still, but I'm worried I'm not doing enough to increase my chances of getting into a good college. If at all possible, I'd love to get into an Ivy League University like Yale but as I'm not sure I'm smart enough, I'm just hoping to get into any decent school.</p>

<p>If anyone has the time to tell me what else I can do to help me look better as a prospective college student, please, please, PLEASE help me!</p>

<p>I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA so far. I'm taking three honors classes this year (chemistry, pre-calculus, and English), and next year (junior year) I'll be enrolled in AP U.S. History, AP Language and Composition, AP Calculus BC, Honors Physics, Sports Medicine, and Advanced Ceramics. I'm on the Speech and Debate team and have placed in two out of three tournaments as a novice, although I'm not sure if that matters. I'm in Key Club and am also signed up for another volunteer organization this fall. I'm a two year Varsity soccer player, although I doubt I can make the team again in the fall. I'm taking the SAT II test this upcoming weekend for Math Level 2. I'm in CSF for all three of my completed high school semesters. </p>

<p>Where do I go from here? Is there anything else I can possibly do to put myself in a better position than other applicants? In addition, which SAT II tests should I be taking besides the math test? Am I doing well enough so far that I could possibly get accepted to a high-ranking school? Please help! Any advice is much appreciated. </p>

<p>[Also, if anyone has advice for me about the upcoming SAT II Math Level 2 Test, please mention it if at all possible.]</p>