What must i do to get in?

<p>I have been slacking off my freshman and sophomore years. I have 2.0 gpa. In my next two years i will be taking AP Macroeconomics, AP US History, AP Calculus, AP Computer Science as well as IB Higher Level Physics and IB Higher Level Mandarin.</p>

<p>What Must I do(Grades, Clubs, Athletics, etc.) in my next two years in order to get accepted at Virginia Tech?</p>

<p>VT acceptances are very regional so your very best source of information is your GC. They will be able to tell you what successful applicants from your school have looked like as far as GPA, course rigor, SAT/ACT, and ECs. If your school uses Naviance this is also a good guide, albeit limited to GPA & SAT/ACT data points.</p>

<p>Ditto with BlueIguana. VT doesn’t appear to put as much emphasis on ECs as some schools so definitely work on the gpa and SAT preparation. It’s very difficult to pull up a 2.0 to an acceptable gpa by the time you apply to Tech. Work hard and keep in mind that you always have the possibility of transferring in to VT (e.g., from CC or other local university). If you are able to turn your gpa around you can eventually get into VT.</p>

<p>Yeah, your best bet is to transfer in. Your 2.0 will be at best a 2.8 or so by the time you’re applying, and that just isn’t going to be competitive. Still worth the application if you’ve got exceptional test scores because you never know, but getting great grades the next two years and going somewhere else
for a year is the most likely scenario.</p>

<p>Alternatively if you can throw a football real far and run real fast we can probably work something out.</p>