What next? Washington U applications

<p>ok. so, i sent in the Pre-application form two days ago. i have not had any confirmation from them that they're received it. I know that I need to submit a Common App for Wash U too. So, what exactly is my next step? am I supposed to wait for something? Do i just submit what I can on the Common Application? I am lost, and the deadlines are soon! :S</p>

<p>Do the common app now – there’s no need to wait. I think that confirmations will take awhile this time of year since they’re getting flooded with paperwork.</p>

<p>ok-- but i do not need to do anything else apart from the Pre App and the Common App, and of course send in transcripts, SAT scores, and recommendations. that’s about it right? I wish that WUSTL had a checklist of some sort!</p>

<p>common app counselor rec should take care of your transcript? (not sure if thats the case for everybody)</p>

<p>otherwise, dont forget to pay the fee</p>

<p>financial aid forms are due on the 15th too!!!</p>

<p>Here is the link for the detailed instructions, including a checklist: [Application</a> Process At-A-Glance](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/apply/freshmen/Pages/ApplicationProcess.aspx]Application”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/apply/freshmen/Pages/ApplicationProcess.aspx)</p>

<p>If you’ve already used the common app for another school, and your reference and counselor put their information online, you’re all set to just send it and their stuff goes along with your part of the app. DS’s teacher rec was online, but the counselor couldn’t figure out how to upload the transcript, so she had to make a “packet” of information for DS to mail off for each school. This was the most time-consuming part, so if you haven’t done the common app before, or if the teacher or counselor didn’t put their stuff online, you need to talk to them first thing tomorrow and get that going.</p>

<p>thanks guys. :slight_smile: you all were great help.
now i just want to know… how long usually does it take for them to process the pre app. i need to submit payments using the “application status” site, which i enter with an applicant number, which is supposed to come with the confirmation letter after they receive the pre app? I can not pay for my applications if I do not get the pre app confirmation…
should i redo a pre app just to make sure that the pre app was processed?</p>