<p>Is there anything that we just straight out shouldn't bring at all</p>
<p>A bad attitude. (JK had to say it)</p>
<p>Ok. I waited & waited for someone to respond to this! Too bad. I'm claiming it! This question was asked last year & I recall the response:
"Don't bring gun powder for sure. Just bring what they tell you on the list and don't stress". Truly, just take what is listed & you'll be fine. The guy who told me that was so right. You'll have a chance to buy a few needed items during Indoc. If I were you guys/gals, I'd pack the medicated powder & find some underarmor.</p>
<p>Are you serious about Under Armour? It looks expensive. Would you get just the boxers? The T-shirts seem to have a little UA logo on them. Is that allowed? The Under ArmourĀ® Performance Underwear looks okay; is there anything comparable in the T-shirts?</p>
<p>atlsmith - Congrats! And asking Jamzmom if she's serious about underwear is a little crazy. I am the underwear Goddess! I know all. Trust me. I'm serious about the underarmor. If you can't get the name brand stuff, Target carries something much like it. Its the material that counts. It has to be wicking so it can absorb the sweat and you won't have to contend with the painful rashes. Its so freaking hot up there during Indoc and you're gonna be running. You can get maybe two pair & get by with them. I was told by another old pro, Aspen, that you can wash the stuff out in your sink at night, wrap it up in a towel & 15 minutes later its clean & dry. Here's a hint. Don't put your name on your stuff. You will be provided a stencil and spend alot of time putting your name on stuff. They like their way better so just wait till you are there.</p>
<p>Get good undershirts, get nice tube socks, get some compression shorts (like UA) and some nice boxer briefs or whatever you wear. Get nice soap, etc etc etc etc. You are going to be wearing that stuff for a long time, it may get destroyed, true, but it will feel so much better until it does and that's a good thing for a plebe (feeling good).</p>
<p>Best not to bring a water purifier.</p>
<p>LOL LOL LOL LOL!!! Oh dear lord! I am SOOOOO glad it wasn't 3rd co this time. LOL LOL. This is why you have to love Plebes. They just have bad luck follow them no matter what they try to do. </p>
<p>I'll come for you older Mids if you laugh too. Be nice. I mean it.</p>
<p>oh man poor spelmen. that video made my week when i saw it. (spelmen lives across the hall from my bf). i showed it to my roomate at school and she was like, oh man this is where mike goes to school. LOL. </p>
<p>love it!</p>
<p>Thanks for the amusing video, was that first company? </p>
<p>The underarmor is a very worthwhile purchase for the hot summer and indoc and yes it dries extremely quickly and while pricey it lasts a long time if cared for well.</p>
<p>Ah, THE video. Isn't that just a riot? That video will live forever!</p>
<p>Royce sent me the link a while ago, but I wasn't gonna be the one posting it! </p>
<p>Spelman is in 2co with my son!</p>
<p>cjp, my son must know your bf too!</p>
<p>my advice is stick to the list pretty closely, but bring good shoe insoles, you will need them. don't go cheap, get the best ones you can find. you'll be on your feet a lot and you MUST take care of them. if not, it'll suck to be you in july. don't bring food, you won't get any of it. the underarmor i dunno about. we got chewed out if we wore an undershirt under our Indoc Uniform. so it might not be worth the money.
bring some ziplock bags as well, and safety pins, you'll use them-- and of course a few rolls of duct tape.
other than that, stick to the list and you should be fine.</p>
<p>duck tape, a head lamp flash light (you have to sneek this one in), good shoe insoles, goldbond, also i found body wipes where nice because you come out of the shower feeling more dirty than you where when you went in... Underarmor boxers really helped... brings some ziplock bags and safty pins. oh yea bring a lighter they are awsome for burning off IP's. and DONT BRING FOOD</p>
<p>the video is from 2co.</p>
<p>and yeah my bf is michael jimenez. who is your son royce?</p>
<p>great video! surprisingly large room...</p>