What NOT to like about JHU...

<p>Now that I've been deferred and done all I can, I'd like to know all the negatives of JHU, just so I can feel better when I get rejected. I'll start it off. I went on a campus visit once, and it seemed very gloomy, especially in the caf. where a lot of people were sitting alone (and also happened to be mostly asian). So anything else I should know?</p>

<p>there have been 4 student deaths in the past 2.5 years</p>

<p>Yikes.... caused by what? That's sad.</p>

<p>its in baltimore....</p>

<p>The one this year had nothing to do with the city. It was caused by an allergic reaction....</p>

<p>Yeah, he went to my High School... Poor Gilbert :( . My dad knew him... great guy.</p>

<p>I'm sorry to hear that, dkball....I read up a bit on him too (facebook and articles), and Gilbert truly did seem like a really great guy. So tragic...:-/</p>

<p>It's actually pretty chilling. I decided to go to Hopkins on October 26, the same day Gilbert died. Very very strange and sad.</p>

<p>Apparently, JHU considers 5% of home equity to be available to finance college education and they include that in the EFC. Perhaps not such a big deal for parents with one child, or for people who have gobs of money stashed in their home equity, but not so cool for regular people trying to get by, provide a stable home environment, or who have multiple kids to put through college.</p>

<p>One honest question: how is food there?</p>

<p>honestly? It's edible if you're not extremely picky or used to catered food. I'm a fairly picky eater and if I could eat it, I think most ppl can :P.</p>

<p>Actually, my experience can speak for Terrace (Bldg A/B and AMRs) and Levering Foods. Iono how good Wolman is but I hear its decent. Plus, there are amazing foods literally across the street from teh library (Xando, Ruby Tuesday, Rocky Run...etc and subway a couple blocks down) although i know one wouldnt pay $10 a meal every day, but its jus....there are lots of options. And convenience stores too.</p>

<p>Food, IMO, isn't an issue.</p>

<p>wolman > terrace. so no worries. and it's supposed to get a hell of a lot better, but that's gonna be a surprise for us all next year. i think the c/o 2011 will have to stay tuned.</p>

<p>collegeboard.com says this:</p>

<p>1% American Indian/Alaskan Native
23% Asian/Pacific Islander
6% Black/Non-Hispanic
7% Hispanic
58% White/Non-Hispanic
6% Non-Resident Alien</p>

<p>and although they are a bit out of date, I can't imagine those demographics changing THAT much.</p>

<p>And to me, it doesn't seem like there are "more asians than grass on campus." By the looks of my chem class, Hopkins appears to be pretty diverse.
Take a visit and check it out yourself! :)</p>

<p>"i heard that theres actually more asians than grass on campus."</p>


<p>my friend who went to jhu a few years ago said something really funny...rule of thumb, if u walk into a math or science classroom and see more asians than non-asians, walk out immediately, because u will fail. haha thought that was funny.</p>

<p>my gosh, I am cracking up. rofl</p>

<p>You really find the asian population to be that bad? Haha, I find all these comments rather funny, some of the laziest people I know here are asian, I love taking classes with them!</p>

<p>The deaths at this school lately have been absolutely tragic though. There isn't much that can be said about the most recent one, but the ones the previous semester were very humbling. To think that someone would take the live of another or themselves at our age is quite frightening.</p>

<p>To me, the worst part about Hopkins is the food and a lack of communication between the administration and students on some matters, well actually, just the ability to study abroad.</p>

<p>Wasn't expecting tragic deaths when I made this thread...
And btw, I'm a lazy asian, but if I walk into a class with that kind of atmosphere, I'd be out in 3 seconds</p>

<p>100 Posts; AWWWW YEAH</p>

<p>We asians like to work hard and PLAY HARD ;). </p>

<p>It's true though...as of now, the food is pretty crappy. I'm still looking forward to next year though to see what good eats JHU could produce. </p>

<p>Here are some complaints: Where is Taco Bell!? Where is Jamba Juice (that's not just a west coast/Cali thing is it??)!? You kinda gotta venture out to find your commercialized favorites. </p>

<p>I highly recommend getting involved in clubs for those coming here next year. Many of the clubs plan activities that take you off campus, a great opportunity to explore Baltimore more. You get to do fun events like bowling, or whatever, which is not readily available on campus.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, Spikedsoymilk, Jamba Juice is mostly a west coast thing. There is one store in the state of MD, but it's in</a> Silver Spring, in the DC suburbs.</p>

<p>Now, I dare you to find an In-N-Out Burger anywhere other than CA, AZ, or NV. Can't be done. (Nor can I find any Dunkin Donuts out here in CA.) I smell franchise opportunities....</p>