What other colleges would I like?

I’m a rising senior and I need to add a few more schools to my list. I’ve researched a lot, but right now I only have 3 that I want to apply to.

I’m in love with Creighton University and Boston College. I feel meh about my state school but I’m applying to see if I can get a full ride.

Schools I crossed off my list: Villanova (too religious and just didn’t love it), UPenn, Bentley (not enough school spirit), etc.

I am looking for a school with great academics. I am planning on studying business and computer science. I also want a good level of school spirit. I would like a school in an area with stuff to do off campus.

Any and all recommendations are appreciated!

Indiana - Kelley


You should post a “chance me” thread and follow the format recommended for that category. It will help you get more precise advice.

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Please let us know:
-standardized test scores
-Financial restrictions, if any
-Geographic and othe restrictions, if any

If you like Creighton and BC did you already look at the other Jesuit universities?

Tons of schools have solid academics, specific to business and CS, and spirit. You’ve given two mid size jesuits, Penn and Bentley. So I assume you are looking for midsize only ? Share your #s as others have said so we can target better for you.

Maybe you’re more an Elon or Lehigh than a Duke or Miami Ohio vs a UVA, etc.

Also let us know where finances come in.


Look into the University of Richmond.

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You might want to look into Butler (IN) or Marquette (WI). Also, the more information you can give us about what you’re looking for and what your academic and extracurricular background is, the better our suggestions will be.

Maybe Fordham, Richmond or Syracuse? These are expensive but can give good aid. Syracuse has a good business school and lots of spirit. Maybe not so much to do outside of campus but tons of activities and organizations. Fordham is good for business and lots to do off campus but maybe not as much spirit. Richmond is good for business and spirit.

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Apr 2021

There are 2 kinds of posts many students find helpful:

Chance Me: Get feedback on your chances of being accepted to specific schools.
Match Me: Get suggestions for schools that match your profile and interests.

First of all, create a CC account so you can post. Secondly, in order to maximize your chance of someone taking a look at your stats and giving feedback, you’ll need to do a few things:

Title It Well

Include a few details about you in the title:

Transfer student from Boston aiming for UCs and ASU

Tag it

  • If you want chances on specific schools, use the chance-me tag
  • If you want others to suggest schools to you, use the match-me tag

Include details

When you click “+ New Thread”, your post will include a template that you can follow to include the most relevant information. That template includes:

  • Demographics (location, residency, HS type, legacy, US or Int’l, gender, etc)
  • Intended Major(s)
  • UW GPA, Rank, and Test Scores (also weighted GPA for systems like UC/CSU)
  • Coursework (college coursework for transfer applicants)
  • Awards
  • Extracurriculars (incl. summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)
  • Essays/LORs/Other
  • Cost Constraints / Budget
  • Schools including Safety, Match, Reach (include ED/EA when applicable)

Do not ignore this template! You’ll get the best feedback if you include all of these details.

Don’t Include Unnecessary Personal Details

  • No names, school names, clubs, detailed locations, or anything that could be used to identify you and is not critical to the areas listed above.

Most Importantly, Don’t Take Any of this Personally

You’ll get some great feedback (and probably some feedback you may not like). In either case, take it with a grain of salt. Match me will be especially helpful, because the responder probably has experience with the school. YMMV on Chance Me results.

A Note on Timing

Your Chance Me post has 90 days to gather feedback before it is automatically closed. Until then, posts will be automatically bumped so they get more visibility. You can request your post be open for more time if necessary.

Santa Clara

Xavier! They have a great business school and you can’t beat the level of school spirit. Tons to do in Cincinnati. They also give great merit aid.


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