What other websites are there like ratemyprofessors?

<p>does anyone else know of any other sites where you can see the difficulty of your professor?</p>


<p>Myspace has one also.</p>

<p>Wouldn’t rely on these sites too much, because I’ve figured out there are distortions as to people making fake reviews or are angry about a bad grade, and another group of people who are highly interested in a class leading to high grades, so don’t follow strictly. Best way is to come to class on the first day to see what is taught in the greensheet and seeing if that will hold your interest for the rest of the quarter.</p>


<p>I agree, more than half of the professors I’ve taken have gotten terrible reviews on rmp but I think they were decent.</p>

<p>Typical insightful review on ratemyprofessor.com:</p>

<p>y0 dis lil b1tch don graDe fare lol stay a//ay</p>