<p>I live in VA, and intend on going to a college here. Should I go to UVA, which is the best school in VA and probably the entire South. OR should I attend VCU, a lower tier university that you can get into EASILY with a 2.4. I would get a big scholarship and I know I would get a 4.0 at VCU over UVA, where I would probably be in the 3.6-3.8 range.</p>
<p>Any advice?</p>
<p>UVA is the best school in the South? What about Duke, Vanderbilt, Rice, Emory?!?</p>
<p>Oh well just for me. I’m not interested in Duke, Vanderbilt, Rice, or Emory because their medical programs just aren’t as attrative.</p>
<p>UVA Neuroscience is amazing and pretty exclusive, so I was basing it off of that.</p>
<p>You do not know that you would get a 4.0 at any university, trust me its easier said than done regardless of how competitive you are for a university. Plenty of my friends were on full scholarship at my uni and most or all of them had at least one A- on their transcript. I would say go to the school you feel is a better fit, they both have their advantages but ultimately the one you click with better will do more for you in the long run.</p>
<p>Go to the one where when you visit (if you do) you just know it is right for you.</p>
<p>After reading a couple of your posts I think that you would be best off going to UVA hands down. Going somewhere that makes you happy is a huge step in the right direction.
Also, out of curiousity where are you getting your rankings of UVA neuroscience vs other southern schools from?</p>
<p>^mmmc aren’t you the one who went to U AZ and now at Mount sinai second year? o.o</p>
<p>ASU and no I’m not at Mt Sinai. Geographically close I suppose.
Why do you ask?</p>
<p>The Neuroscience program at UVA is a DMP, Distinguished Majors Program, and for it to be recognized as that, it must be in the top 25 in the country.</p>
<p>I thought that the DMP was solely based around requirements of the student, not the department. Sounds like a good opportunity though.</p>
<p>Arizona state my bad. I found the same name on SDN and suspected it was you too. lol haha</p>