What qualifies for an "extreme drop in grades"

I'm currently a senior in high school and recently got accepted into the University of Illinois. I'm from California and the UC system here rescinds your admission if you get anything below a C your senior year; you also have to maintain a B average. I was wondering if it was the same for University of Illinois. I got 2 A's, 3 B's on my midyear report but I feel that I may get a C in AP Calculus and B's in the rest. Should I be worried?</p>

<p>Thanks for the read,

<p>Don’t get a D</p>

<p>My cousin got a D and he was fine his college acceptance wasn’t taken away. And I think he got 2 C’s to go along with that.</p>

<p>He goes to UIUC</p>

<p>ah thank you, relieved now that I know I dont need to kill myself over chem</p>

<p>I’m in the same position as you. I’m in all honors and Ap and Ap Chem is the one class where I might get a D in. Every other class I will get an A in.</p>

<p>dont’ worry. three C’s senior year and i’m still here.</p>

<p>will i get rescinded?
my courses and grades for 1st semester senior year:
AP Calc AB C+
English B-
Digital Imaging 1 A-
Gov/Econ C
Physics C-
AP Psychology C+</p>

<p>i got screwed over on the final exams…but im really concerned if i will get rescinded for having 4 c’s. 2.5 gpa for that semester. below 3.0 weighted gpa</p>

<p>Your fine don’t worry. I might fail a class and Im very worried but I think I will be fine because I will still have a 4.0 weighted gpa for this semester and a 3.3 unweighted</p>

<p>Would it help a lot if i managed a 3.5 gpa 2nd semester?</p>

<p>i got 1 C, 3 B’s, 3 a’s…5 ap classes. i honestly didn’t try at all. all the b’s were 89% too which is pretty stupid. will i get rescinded?</p>

<p>You both are fine.</p>

<p>i got one D is AP Chem, but all my other AP and honors are As. do you think ill be okay?</p>

<p>I don’t know that anyone will be perusing your grades unless you call it to their attention. I would focus on contacting your current teachers and see if you can do any projects or something to bring your grades up to at least a “C” level. Explain your situation to them and see what you can do to make up the grade.</p>

<p>If I got in with a 3.65 gpa (4.1 weighted) for eng and now I have 4 Bs and 1 C with ap calc, ap bio, ap Econ, Spanish 4 honors. </p>

<p>Will I be ok with 2.8 uw and 3.6 w? Thanks!</p>

<p>How about me? Worst case scenario 5 A and Bs, 1 D and 1 C. Taking 3 APs, 3 honors, and 1 IB. I’m freaking out.</p>