<p>This thread is for MIT applicants past, present, and future. </p>
<p>As many of you know, we are not a common app school. We instead have a few short answer questions. They are very simple, and very straightforward. </p>
<p>For example, the first question this past year was: "We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it." </p>
<p>This is not a trick question. </p>
<p>Not a trick question. </p>
<p>The rest are all similar to that - questions inquiring broadly about a time you've been creative; about your community and world; about a time you've overcome a challenge or something didn't go according to plan. </p>
<p>So here's a question for all of you: </p>
<p>What question would you like to see asked? </p>
<p>I don't mean for this to be an opportunity to brag or be blatantly self serving (e.g. "I would like you to ask about a time that we won a math award, why yes, I did happen to win the county math fair!!"). This is an honest question. </p>
<p>Put yourselves in our shoes. What sort of question do you think we should ask of all of our applicants to ascertain useful data upon which we could then make our admissions decisions. </p>
<p>I'm not saying we will use anything you post (indeed, we've essentially settled on next year's application already, since it will go online in a mere few months). But maybe something you say will inspire us, or lead us in a new and interesting direction. Maybe CC as a community can figure out an interesting tell us how to ask you to tell us something interesting. </p>
<p>(Yes, I did that on purpose). </p>
<p>So whaddya think?</p>