What r my chances at NYU????

verbal 510 math 580 writing 620</p>


basketball - player- (9-10)
Key Club - volunteer, member-(9,11)
Student Council- volunteer, member- (10-11)
library aid- volunteer (10-11)
school craft fair volunteer
cotton bowl volunteer
basketball (outside of school: church, leagues)
National Honors Society(11-12)
Art (9-11)
March of Dimes
Donated to lukemia center
KEEP (Kidney Early Evaluation Program) service (6 hrs)
Spanish National Honors Society (11-12)</p>

2nd place- district art show- school
Garland ISD Academic Excellence Award 2003, 2004,and
congressional student leadership conference selectee
national student leadership conference selectee (11)
National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine selectee

Computer Science I AP
US Hist IB
Algebra II AP
English IV IB
Anatomy & Physiology IB
Art & Design III IB
Spanish II IB </p>

<p>I'm a minority and in the IB program...I'm currently a junior...I know that my SATs are really low but do you think if i study and practice harder I can at least score a 1300 with the math and verbal combined?</p>

I'm a minority and in the IB program


so is millions of other students
you have no shot......................just quit while your at it....................you know what while your at it, just drop out</p>


<p>just bring up your sats and what is your weighted average?</p>

<p>anybody else got an opinion?....</p>

<p>my weighted ave is like a 4.2</p>

<p>wow your weighted and unweighted is really unproportional.............well you have a good weighted gpa but most top colleges look at unweighted gpa.................you must pull up your sats and gpa because right now its reach without reffering to essays, and recs</p>


<p>no need to bump....question is already answered</p>

<p>maybe he wants more than one opinion</p>

<p>To be realistic, the with the 3.3, a extremely high test scores are going to be your only chance. And it seems that NYU gives more slack for high test/low gpa kids than other schools. </p>

<p>But if you are african american or american indian, your in. possibly even with a scholorship. URM's with around your GPA got full rides to harvard/stanfard</p>

<p>can this be called an award?</p>

<p>congressional student leadership conference selectee
national student leadership conference selectee (11)</p>

<p>Since i am a URM, do you think i can get in if i can get my sats up to a 1300 with the matha dn verbal score?</p>

<p>colleges look at uw gpas? i thought they put more weight on WEIGHTED gpas (excuse the pun) because of the difficulty of your courseload weighing into the factor...</p>

<p>colleges look at unweighted gpas.....they have their own way of calulating their gpa according their standards..........</p>

<p>Bestmiler, you don't have a clue. With low standardized tests and a reasonable /GPA from a not great school, a urm has a chance. Work hard to up the GPA. See if your sport or art can help by talking to coaches/profs.</p>

<p>Bestmiler, you sound jealous. Maybe you won't go to UCLA, but believe me, there are much better schools for the $$$$. Maybe fate has done you a favor.</p>

<p>can this be called an award?</p>

<p>congressional student leadership conference selectee
national student leadership conference selectee (11)</p>

<p>THOSE ARE NOT AWARDS. every single person at my school got invited to that.</p>

<p>thats what I thought too.</p>

<p>Since i am a URM, do you think i can get in if i can get my sats up to a 1300 with the matha dn verbal score?</p>

<p>URMs with 3.3's got full rides to harvard/stanford? W T F? Is that for real?</p>

<p>I think you will need to pull it to a 1400 and above. Aiming for a 1300 is not good enough as NYU's avg is around there.</p>

<p>You have to SMASH the average to make up for your GPA and then your URM status can get you in. </p>

<p>Without the high SAT score, you may get GSP'ed.</p>